Category: Artober
A month-long celebration of galleries and museums, theater and dance, music and more. SN&R will produce the official guide to navigate the myriad of events offered to the public throughout the month of October. From culinary arts to haunted houses, ballets to poetry readings, our readers won’t want to miss this guide.
This article was published on 09.24.15
Art For Fall And Fall For Art
There is no one season for the arts—creativity is a year-round pursuit.
This article was published on 09.25.14
Artober Event Picks
October is packed with events such as a black-tie, masked masquerade; jazz festival; and beer runs.
This article was published on 09.26.13
Artful neighbors
The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission teamed with the Del Paso Boulevard Partnership in an effort to bring more visual art to the north Sacramento neighborhood.
This article was published on 09.26.13
Ride with the undead
Forget the walking dead, this Halloween, hitch a ride on the Zombie Train.
This article was published on 09.26.13

September 24, 2015
SN&R Vol 27 Issue 24

September 25, 2014
SN&R Vol 26 Issue 24

September 26, 2013
SN&R Vol 25 Issue 24