Section: Music
Canceled by COVID
An uncertain future for Chico’s music scene as pandemic impacts public events
This article was published on 07.01.20
‘Play guitar and be a blues singer’
With a new Grammy-nominated album, Jimmie Vaughan is still living the dream.
This article was published on 03.05.20
The dream is the thing
Jazz vocalist Kat Edmonson finds magic in the process.
This article was published on 02.27.20
Been so long
Hot Tuna/Jefferson Airplane guitarist reflects on five decades of music.
This article was published on 02.20.20
Magic show
The musical sleight of hand of one-man band That 1 Guy.
This article was published on 02.06.20
Gone lo-fi blues
Aussie C.W. Stoneking taps into early Americana.
This article was published on 02.06.20
Rock and resilience
The long road to The Empty Gate’s first album.
This article was published on 01.16.20
Experimental groove
The unique flow of Tahoe hip-hop trio Melting Elk.
This article was published on 01.09.20
Put a spell on you
The freak-rock magic of SF’s Glitter Wizard.
This article was published on 01.02.20

July 01, 2020
CN&R Vol 44 Issue 1

March 05, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 30

February 27, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 29

February 20, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 28

February 06, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 26

January 30, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 25

January 16, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 23

January 09, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 22

January 02, 2020
CN&R Vol 43 Issue 21