Issue: January 06, 2022

The January print issue of the CN&R is on stands now and we have two special features this month:
First, our annual Whom to Watch feature, spotlighting locals we anticipate will make significant impacts—or at least headlines—over the coming year. Women dominate our list this time. Their roles—county supervisor, city council member, deputy city manager, nonprofit agency executive director—put them in key positions heading into 2022. We also highlight a musician-turned-show booker in a similarly pivotal spot.
Also this month, a special health section. Sometimes lost in the conversation about COVID-19 infections and ICU capacities is the impact the pandemic has had on our collective mental health. For this special feature, we have two reports on the help that is available to address the issue—from Ashiah Scharaga’s story on the power of counseling to Evan Tuchinsky’s piece on new psychedelic therapies.
Thanks for sticking with the Chico News & Review. Happy new year, everyone.
Take care,
Jason Cassidy
CN&R editor
You can access a digital copy of this issue here