Issue: January 04, 2018

Morning, readers, and Happy New Year!
Who will be making headlines in 2018? Check out our feature package this week to see our predictions.
As always, there's always more on offer!
Read on,
Meredith J. Cooper, managing editor
Whom to watch in 2018
A new year and new hope for the community.
This article was published on 01.04.18
A tale of two bookworms
Married couple eye retirement after a lifetime working Chico’s libraries.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Up and over
Council greenlights bicyclist, pedestrian crossing over East 20th Street.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Unexpected debt
Chico must repay the state nearly $2 million in vehicle license fee over-payments due to county miscalculations.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Junkyard opponents go to court
Chico City Councilman Karl Ory and Move the Junkyard representatives will appear in court Friday (Jan. 5).
This article was published on 01.04.18
Film benefit for Shasta tribe
Documentary shares Winnemem Wintu tribe’s reunification with chinook salmon in New Zealand.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Christmas shootings
Two suspects still sought after holiday shootings in Oroville and Chico.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Random stats for a new year
A good number of Americans don’t plan on making any resolutions, and bad dancers still enjoy cutting loose.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Taking the plunge
Hundreds swim across Sycamore Pool on New Year’s Day.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Sustainable solutions
Butte College instructor touts biochar production as a forest management tool.
This article was published on 01.04.18
A walk to remember
Documentary captures cancer patient’s journey to embrace spiritual healing.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Almighty D
Alternative sources of Vitamin D during the winter months.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Two of a kind
The Donald’s antics with North Korea likely torch the prospect of peaceful diplomatic solutions with its southern neighbor.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Thank you for stopping
Butte County deputies did the right thing by ending a recent high-speed chase.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Don’t be fooled by the distractor-in-chief
While President Trump tweets, his EPA administrator is torching the Earth.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Back to work
Trying to play catch-up after some time off; and other updates.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Staying In Motion
Carl Sommer talks outdoor tracks, kid’s equipment and a pending solar array at his local fitness club.
This article was published on 01.04.18
To new beginnings
Kwikee Food Mart closes along with 2017; Mamma Celeste’s and Hibachi Grill Buffet poised to open.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Always be opening
Glengarry Glen Ross, Avenue Q and 15 other productions coming to local stages.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Entertain us!
The dream of the ’90s is alive with Radio Relapse.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Beyond spaghetti and meatballs (part two)
Further musings on a culinary tour through northern Italy.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Creature feature
A weird and sweet throwback from Guillermo del Toro.
This article was published on 01.04.18
Snow Goose Festival Program
Snow Goose Festival on the Pacific Flyway 2018.
This article was published on 01.04.18