Issue: October 09, 2014

Good morning, readers!
And Happy Beer Week!
Yep, you read that right. This week's CN&R is our second annual Beer Issue,
and it coincides with a celebration of all things craft-beer-related that
starts today and goes through Oct. 18. Our feature package this week is
focused on beer, as are several other stories, from a piece on wild hops in
Greenways to an interview with Feather River Brewing's Roger Preecs in 15
Minutes. Also, check out for a full schedule of
events. Hope to see you all out and about!
In other news: We take a look at the investigation into a police shooting
in Oroville in April; we check in with folks trying to implement a police
beat downtown to eliminate problems with transients; and Arts Devo says
goodbye to Chico arts maven Maria Phillips.
Until next week,
Meredith J. Graham, associate editor
Tapping in
To become a world-class beer town, Chico needs more breweries.
This article was published on 10.09.14
The brewmaster
Talkin’ beer with Sierra Nevada’s longtime head brewer, Steve Dresler.
This article was published on 10.09.14
A pint by any other shape?
Using the proper glass for a beer’s style makes a difference, unless it doesn’t.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Heady matters
No matter the style of glass, the proper pour is essential.
This article was published on 10.09.14
A fatal call
An inter-agency investigation declares Oroville police shooting justified.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Spotlight hits downtown
Community members, city discuss added police patrols.
This article was published on 10.09.14
All or nothing
Military banner proposal falls flat before City Council as supporters refuse to compromise.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Stonewall forum
Stonewall Alliance holds council candidate forum.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Vehicle chases and shootings
Alleged gang confrontation in north Chico.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Family makes grisly discovery
Body may be missing Chico woman.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Union support wanes
Support of labor unions drops, but remains in the majority.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Going wild for hops
For adventurous brewers, the cultivated beer ingredient is great, but the foraged kind is unpredictably enticing.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Rising tide of ticks
With climate change comes the widespread emergence of tick-borne diseases.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Run away from the couch
Free exercise plan is aimed at turning couch potatoes into runners in about nine weeks.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Sexual assault close to home
Butte County Sexual Assault Response team releases annual report.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Surveying county health
Local agencies team up for countywide assessment of health.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Ins and outs of eggs
The size, grade and color of eggs don’t make much difference nutritionally.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Imbibe responsibly
Celebrate craft brewing during Chico Beer Week, but do so responsibly.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Don’t underestimate the flu
Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep influenza at bay.
This article was published on 10.09.14
It’s time we discuss domestic violence
The national travesty we cannot afford to ignore.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Double overtime
Rumor has it the city’s new downtown police patrols may take paying officers double overtime.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Against the grain
Feather River Brewing’s master brewer, Roger Preecs, is anything but average.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Home brew revolution
Making beers and ciders at home a growing trend in Chico.
This article was published on 10.09.14
In their eyes
New exhibit gives Mechoopda history from their perspective.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Farmers Reserve Citrus
Goin’ sour and goin’ big with Almanac Beer Co.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Rogue Farms Honey Kolsch
Slip out of summer and into fall with a sweet, hoppy honey kolsch.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Green Bullet
Hurts so good—a Green Bullet, straight to the hop-head!
This article was published on 10.09.14
Steep climb
Cold Blue Mountain conquers new sounds with Old Blood.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Craft-beer kitchen
CN&R throws down a beer/food pairing challenge to local craft-beer purveyors.
This article was published on 10.09.14
Goin’ nowhere
Despite a great cast and director, novel-turned-film never fully comes together.
This article was published on 10.09.14
It’s still Paris
American man “finds himself” in unlikely Paris roommate situation.
This article was published on 10.09.14