Issue: November 28, 2013

Good day-before-Thanksgiving!
Every year at this time, the Chico News & Review comes out with its Local Heroes issue on the day before Thanksgiving. This year, Local Heroes 2013 honors five deserving individuals for their volunteer efforts to make Chico and its environs a better place to live.
The Newslines section opens with "Facebook flap continues," News Editor Tom Gascoyne's follow-up on the situation regarding the (some say racist) Facebook posts of a Chico Police officer. That story is followed by contributor Allan Stellar's "Perils of journalism," his follow-up to his earlier cover story on camping in Lassen Volcanic National Park when it was closed during the recent government shutdown.
Newsline No. 3 is Assistant News Editor Howard Hardee's "Power up," which looks at solar-energy firm SolarCity's expansion into Chico (Hardee fans will also like to read his Healthlines feature story, "Grieving season," a touching interview with a Paradise woman who recently lost her husband to bone-marrow cancer, as well as his review of Delhi 2 Dublin at the Sierra Nevada Big Room, "Everyone's dance party"). Our last news story is "Hope for the homeless," by contributor Angie Klein, on the goodness of Oroville's Hope Center.
Our thought-provoking Greenways feature story--"A climate narrative"--was co-written by Scott McNall, the former executive director of Chico State University's Institute for Sustainable Development, and George Basile, senior sustainability scientist at the Global Institute for Sustainability at Arizona State University.
In Arts & Culture, check out "Rethinking turkey day," contributor Alastair Bland's piece on healthful, humane alternatives to purchasing factory-farmed turkeys for Thanksgiving, as well as contributor Robert Speer's "Keeping the lights on," about the Pageant Theatre's campaign to crowdfund a new digital projector.
Continuing the giving-thanks theme is contributor Vic Cantu's 15 Minutes interview ("Angel for animals") with local mobile vet Keira Troxell.
Also, we offer our annual holiday festivities guide, "Charity, entertainment & cheer"!
In our print edition, do take a look at Streetalk, for which four adorable kids answered the question (while they were in line to see Santa Claus at the recent Christmas Preview downtown), "What are you asking Santa for this year?"
May you have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday--
Christine G.K. LaPado-Breglia, associate editor
Facebook flap continues
The controversy over a police officer’s Facebook page leads to an investigation.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Perils of journalism
A CN&R contributor is cited for his trek in a closed national park.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Mysterious explosions
Chicoans report loud, explosive noises on both Friday and Saturday nights.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Pardon a bird
Farm Sanctuary allows Californians to pardon turkeys this Thanksgiving.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Missing man’s body found
Missing Chico State professor is found dead at Upper Bidwell Park.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Who owns guns?
Married Southern men are the most likely folks to own guns.
This article was published on 11.28.13
A climate narrative
In the wake of the IPCC’s latest report, and natural disasters in the Midwest and the Philippines, the authors call for a more comprehensive approach to handling issues to do with climate change.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Cali loses track of hazmat
The state of California’s Department of Toxic Substances Control is unable to account for 174,000 tons of hazardous waste.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Garbage in the food trucks
Giant UK retailer Tesco is saving money by picking up garbage in its food-delivery trucks.
This article was published on 11.28.13
‘Canaries in a coal mine’
A recent die-off of bottlenose dolphins in the southeastern United States bodes ill for ocean and human health.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Holiday goodness a-plenty
Chico Chai’s Sunday tastings, Patrick Ranch Museum’s holiday fundraiser, and more await the savvy shopper this holiday season!
This article was published on 11.28.13
Natural cough syrup
Three recipes for medicine-free, homemade cough syrup.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Grieving season
The holiday season can be especially painful for those grieving the loss of a loved one.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Less holiday stuffing
A simple trick for eating less during holiday feasts.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Autism research breakthrough?
UCSF scientists pinpoint a significant factor in the development of autism.
This article was published on 11.28.13
ACA requirements stand
The state of California rejects Obama’s fix for health plans cancelled due to the ACA.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Kids huffing and puffing
Today’s children are considerably slower than children 30 years ago, a study finds.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Don’t shop on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is for family and reflection. Leave shopping for another day.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Meeting Iran halfway
The interim agreement is a significant step forward in stabilizing the Middle East.
This article was published on 11.28.13
A corrupt war to wage
Pot prohibition has caused immense harm to the USA.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Angel for animals
Vet specializes in peaceful, in-home euthanasia.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Keeping the lights on
The Pageant Theatre turns to its fans to raise funds for a new projector.
This article was published on 11.28.13
The Original Honeydripper
Vintage Roosevelt Sykes—two fists and a piano.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Everyone’s dance party
Delhi 2 Dublin got folks of all ages dancing to electronica at the Big Room.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Rethinking turkey day
It’s time to explore more healthful and humane alternatives to factory-farmed birds.
This article was published on 11.28.13
Starving for more
An entertaining placeholder in The Hunger Games franchise.
This article was published on 11.28.13