Issue: August 22, 2013

Dearest CN&R readers,
Good morning (or afternoon, as the case may be)! The cover story in our back-to-school issue--"Diploma and the debt," by CN&R intern Katherine Green--is a most timely one, as it pertains directly to the college-loan crisis precipitated after a decade of tuition increases and other economic woes. Green's story is must-read stuff. We have an editorial related to the issue as well. (Also, pick up a print version of the CN&R and read Streetalk--the question this week is "Is college a good investment?")
Other back-to-school-related stories that are decidedly worth reading are contributor Evan Tuchinsky's Healthlines feature, "Minds kept sharp," for which he interviewed a darling senior couple who have taken part in Chico State's OLLI (Osher Lifelong Leaning Institute) classes for some time now; and contributor Claire Hutkins Seda's Greenways feature, "Defining 'organic,'" an excellent story on the goings-on at the Organic Vegetable Project at the University Farm, as well as what it means to have a farm certified as 'organic.'
In Newslines, we lead off with News Editor Tom Gascoyne's college-student primer on local politics, "Political Science 101," followed by Staff Writer Ken Smith's "Back at bat," on Butte County's handling of incarcerated third-strikers who appeal for sentence adjustment following the passage of Proposition 36. Next is contributor Robert Speer's wrap-up of the recent City Council meeting, "Pull up a sidewalk," which is largely focused on the council's decision about a sit/lie ordinance for downtown Chico. And finally, there is a fun piece by contributor Cliff Larimer, "Fishing for justice," on the latest escapades of constitutionalist Don Boyd.
In Arts & Culture, look for contributor Henri Bourride's review of the new restaurant, The Kitchen Table--"Pull up a chair" (the food sounds delish!). And Arts Editor Jason Cassidy does double events-listing duty in his Music feature, "Sounds like Chico," as well as in his Arts DEVO column. If you want to know a lot about upcoming events in Chico, check out both of those pieces.
My sustainability column, The GreenHouse, takes another (sad) look at the heritage walnut trees at Third and Chestnut streets, as does one of our editorials, "Destroying our heritage."
If you aren't yet a Tom Tomorrow addict, you should be. Read that politically enlightening cartoon every week in the hard copy of our paper.
Happy back-to-school days!
Christine G.K. LaPado-Breglia, associate editor
Diploma and the debt
A decade of tuition increases has led students into a college-loan crisis.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Political science 101
A student guide to local government from a longtime Chico reporter.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Back at bat
Two of three Butte County third-strike inmates denied shorter sentences under reformed law.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Pull up a sidewalk
City Council votes down proposed sit/lie law.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Fishing for justice
Tehama County activist Don Bird tries to change law by breaking it.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Guilty in the first degree
Chico man found guilty in 2011 sniper-style murder.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Sheriff’s tweet-along
Butte County Sheriff's Office offers virtual ride-along.
This article was published on 08.22.13
King’s dream honored
King's “I Have a Dream” speech to be honored locally.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Defining ‘organic’
Chico State’s Organic Vegetable Project defines—and redefines—organic practices.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Chico State gets green honor
Chico State makes Princeton Review’s Green Honor Roll for second year in a row.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Positive impact of Chevron fire
Fire at Chevron refinery in Richmond results in positive changes for victims and for the future.
This article was published on 08.22.13
The right animal for the job
Goats brought into Washington, D.C., for first time ever to eradicate weeds.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Turning shade into gunstocks?
Huge, leafy, heritage walnut trees at Third and Chestnut streets were recently chopped down despite efforts by tree advocates to save them.
This article was published on 08.22.13
A chemical most nasty
Local activist launches petition to ban herbicide in residential areas.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Minds kept sharp
Retired couple discusses their continuing pursuit of mental stimulation through OLLI.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Use with caution
Grapefruit-seed extract may work wonders for your health, but can be hazardous when mixed with other medicines.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Care for same-sex spouses
DOD announces health-care coverage for same-sex spouses of military personnel and civilian employees.
This article was published on 08.22.13
It’s only $7 billion…
Audit finds California has ineffectively spent funds earmarked for mental health.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Coffee: deadly in excess
Study links excessive coffee-drinking to an increased risk of premature death.
This article was published on 08.22.13
End the profiteering
Congress will further marginalize low- and middle-income students unless the the interest on federal loans is reduced.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Destroying our heritage
Chico’s “City of Trees” image is tarnished by the recent removal of several healthy heritage walnut trees.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Taking back the foothills
Supervisor Bill Connelly calls on the community to join battle over marijuana-related environmental crimes.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Horns and interns
More on the roundabout; a welcome to students; and a shout out to our summer interns.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Cypher tonight
Cory Hunt, aka Himp C, organizes weekly cypher at Thursday Night Market with Butte Area Cypher Crew.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Best of ‘Nancy’s Bookshelf’
Transcribed interviews with 31 fascinating authors from a popular local radio show.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Chronicles of Mystara
Going back in time with Capcom’s Dungeons & Dragons … all that’s missing are the d20s.
This article was published on 08.22.13
The Dream is Over…
Random Abiladeze flips the script and spits out Rasar Thejeli.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Sounds like Chico
This school year, break the DJ cycle and find a fresh Chico soundtrack.
This article was published on 08.22.13
Pull up a chair
Henri raves about ‘affordable and charming new little bistro.’
This article was published on 08.22.13