Issue: January 17, 2013

Happy Thursday, CN&R fans!
This week's cover story follows up on California's stance on legalizing marijuana, now that Washington and Colorado have made recreational use lawful. As you'll read, just because these two states appear to have paved the way, doesn't mean it will be an easy sell in the Golden State.
In Newslines this week, yours truly talks to Tracy Mohr, the animal-services manager at the city animal shelter, about the facility's new, controversial policy that is intended to reduce the rate of euthanasia at the clinic by cutting down on the number of cats held there. Ken Smith talks to community members who've formed a group to combat Chico's drinking problem. Tom Gascoyne has a write-up on John Rucker's very quiet departure from his job as Chico's assistant city manager. And Robert Speer gives a run-down of Tuesday evening's Chico City Council meeting, during which Finance Director Jennifer Hennessy was vindicated by an outside audit.
In Greenways, Claire Hutkins Seda has a write-up on a newly opened e-bike shop in Chico.
In Healthlines, Evan Tuchinsky has a nice profile on Oroville Hospital's Dr. Skau, a surgeon whose work has led him to far corners of the world.
In the Arts and Culture section, check out Alan Sheckter's coverage of a number of inspiring eco-related documentaries at Nevada City's Wild & Scenic Film Fest. Slightly Stoopid fans will want to check out Alan Sculley's interview with the band's co-frontman, Miles Doughty, during which he professes the group's maturity in the wake of his becoming a father. And Juan-Carlos Selznick heads to the silver screen to review Zero Dark Thirty, Kathryn Bigelow's take on the mission that took down Osama bin Laden.
Until next week ...
-Melissa Daugherty, managing editor
Taking the high road
In November Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize marijuana. Is California next?
This article was published on 01.17.13
Billion-dollar blunt
California stands to harvest a windfall if marijuana is legalized and regulated.
This article was published on 01.17.13
The felines among us
Chico Animal Shelter’s new policy aims to ease its burgeoning number of cats and reduce euthanasia.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Targeting public enemy No. 1
Chico has a serious alcohol and drug problem, a newly formed community coalition says. It must be addressed.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Sudden departure
Assistant City Manager John Rucker “retires” suddenly, leaving city staff wondering what happened.
This article was published on 01.17.13
City’s books are ‘clean’
Finance Director Jennifer Hennessy vindicated by audit report.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Bank bandit pleads
Fedora-wearing bank bandit pleads guilty in federal court.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Lessons learned?
Doug LaMalfa names controversial website creator as his chief of staff.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Pups get new pad
City animal shelter’s new 38-run kennel is fully constructed.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Americans: Gun laws need strengthening
Post Newtown poll shows increasing support for stricter gun laws.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Carving out a niche
Red Mountain Green Cycle opens in Chico with a high-profile first customer.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Delta fish populations plummet
Midwinter trawl survey reveals record-low number of Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta fish.
This article was published on 01.17.13
A good year for shorts
Last year was hottest ever recorded in the United States.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Much love for hybrids
Forbes Magazine ranks Chico area among top 10 cities for green cars.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Air-seal your home against the cold
Local green architect Hyland Fisher offers useful tips on saving money by air-sealing your home against the cold weather; plus, Susan Tchudi’s puppet-making workshop.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Help the weird, help the world
Offbeat charities to help the planet.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Surgeon of the world
Oroville Hospital physician Randell Skau brings a wealth of worldly experience to his work.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Is it a cold or the flu?
Some signs indicative of which illness you have.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Possible skin-cancer treatment
On-again, off-again dosing found to be effective in mice.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Flu waning or waxing?
Report suggests widespread flu cases could be decreasing … or about to increase.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Kaiser in hot water
Medical group under investigation for patient-data breach.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Roe v. Wade at 40
For as long as abortion has been legal, anti-abortion activists have been trying to make it hard for women to obtain abortions.
This article was published on 01.17.13
What LaMalfa knew
Mark Spannagel’s actions could have tanked Doug LaMalfa’s congressional campaign. Why then is he being rewarded?
This article was published on 01.17.13
Beyond gun control, inner peace
Gun control will help, but to stem violence we must reconnect with our spirituality and find peace in ourselves.
This article was published on 01.17.13
From the heart
Artist Matt Tupper is making an impression with his hearts.
This article was published on 01.17.13
A failed war
The United States spends billions to catch and incarcerate people for marijuana possession, but millions of us continue to enjoy the weed. Now two states have legalized it. What does that mean for the “war on drugs”?
This article was published on 01.17.13
Warm and green
Coming in from the cold weekend at fun, lively Wild & Scenic Film Fest.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Riding high
Slightly Stoopid is not just a stoner band anymore.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Attack of the clones
Stacking Carl’s Jr. and Jack in the Box’s copies against the original Big Mac.
This article was published on 01.17.13
Into the darkness
Hunt for bin Laden makes for tense, suspenseful thriller.
This article was published on 01.17.13