Issue: January 03, 2013

Happy New Year, readers!
Last week we took a look back at 2012, and this week we’re looking ahead. More specifically, we’re looking at the folks we’re going to be keeping a close eye on in 2013. You know, the potential newsmakers. Some of them are the obvious ones: the city of Chico’s new mayor, Mary Goloff; the city’s new manager, Brian Nakamura; the new City Council members, Tami Ritter, Sean Morgan and Randall Stone; and some lesser-known folks, including Bob Maness, the man behind the newly established California Regional Theater.
Newslines are back this week! First up, you’ll read about the competition brewing in the local TV-news market now that FOX20 has been sold. There’s a report on an arrest outside of Costco a few days before Christmas that has a couple of locals alleging the Chico police used excessive force. You’ll hear from CN&R staff writer Ken Smith about what it was like to take the Polar Bear Plunge at Sycamore Pool. And you’ll get the scoop on next week’s special election. If it’s not on your radar, you’re not alone.
In Greenways, check out how a local autobody shop has switched over to eco-friendly auto paint.
In Healthlines, there’s an interesting story on California’s declining birth rate.
In Arts and Culture, read about a Chico High alumnus who, inspired by two of his former teachers, filmed a documentary featuring educators. There’s a write-up about the 1st Monday Jazz events at Café Coda, at which live, local, uninterrupted jazz is the centerpiece. And there are two movie reviews this week: Django Unchained and Les Mis. Plus, a whole lot more &hellis
Enjoy! And cheers to 2013!
-Melissa Daugherty, managing editor
The newsmakers of 2013
Who will be making news and doing big things this year? Here are some of the people we think you’ll be noticing.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Clash of the broadcasts
Residents may get another Chico newscast now that the local Fox affiliate TV station is owned by Redding’s KRCR Channel 7.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Too much force?
Witnesses say police takedown of man at Costco was excessive.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Shivering at One-Mile
CN&R writer takes the plunge on New Year’s Day.
This article was published on 01.03.13
The forgotten election
Upcoming special state Senate runoff is another chance for Democrat Mickey Harrington.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Crime wave in Redding
Redding leads nation in violent-crime increase.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Downtown in the dark
Cable failure results in 12-hour power outage downtown.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Chico attorney gets judge job
Governor appoints Chico attorney Michael R. Deems to Butte County Superior Court bench.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Don’t bet on it
Prediction: The New Year will spark a lot of predictions, and if they’re like these, they’ll be wrong.
This article was published on 01.03.13
KO’ing VOCs
Knockout Collision Repair switches to more eco-friendly auto paint.
This article was published on 01.03.13
From kitchen to engine
Chico company recognized for innovative restaurant appliance.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Of chicken and herbs
Farmers look to herbs like oregano for antibiotic substitute.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Soot standard Jackson’s finale?
EPA administrator tightens soot regulations before stepping down.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Ecotopian vision
Structural engineer Jacque Fresco’s Venus Project offers a vision of a sustainable future.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Five green resolutions
Easy ways to reduce your environmental footprint in 2013.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Golden State shrinking?
California’s declining birth rate corresponds to economic decline.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Holistic cure for the cold
An herbal mixture for treating respiratory illness.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Enloe doc honored
Dr. David Potter recognized with Enloe Physician Legacy Award.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Never say never
Surgeons make too many “never event” mistakes for comfort, study finds.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Smokeless tobacco a statewide hit
California has increase in snuff and chew sales, new products on way.
This article was published on 01.03.13
This is a test
Not only is Tuesday’s special election a challenge to democracy, it’s also got two of the most dissimilar candidates in recent memory.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Playing fiscal chicken
Now that President Obama has compromised in order to prevail in the “fiscal cliff’ battle, he will need to be resolute in an upcoming stand-off over raising the debt ceiling.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Who’s a true sportsman?
A former game warden asks, who gave the NRA the right to say who’s a sportsman?
This article was published on 01.03.13
Live, from Chico
Chico native Bill Wattenburg brings his radio talk show to town.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Quotations, 2012
The author picks some good ones to ring in the new year.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Torture in our prisons
More than 3,000 California prison inmates are in permanent solitary confinement. Many will go mad. It’s state-sanctioned torture.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Extra credit
Chico High alumnus films retired teachers for inspiring documentary, Learning Never Ends.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Magico: Carta de Amor
The Norwegian, the Brazilian and the American live in Germany.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Jazz in the foreground
Go to Café Coda to listen—really listen, without chatter and clatter—to live, local jazz.
This article was published on 01.03.13
Off the chain
Tarantino delivers furiously engaging quasi-western.
This article was published on 01.03.13