Issue: December 20, 2012

Good morning, readers:
Following what has become tradition at the CN&R, our annual holiday issue's cover story is a work of fiction by local writer Zu Vincent. We hope you'll enjoy this year's poignant tale.
In Newslines, you'll read about former Chicoan Troy Williams' time in the service, including his deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his thoughts on the approaching end to the U.S. military's presence in those countries. You'll hear from Christian Friedland, the founder of Chico-based Internet retailer, about e-business and the unscrupulous lawsuits filed by so-called patent trolls. Check out the goings on at the City Council, including its work on the homeless issue. And make sure to read about the Esplanade House's plea to the community.
In Greenways, you'll read about seven easy tips to keep your holidays eco-friendly. In Healthlines, read about the good work of Rowell Family Empowerment, a local organization helping families of children with special needs.
In the Arts and Culture section, check out the stories Chico artists share in the 1078 Gallery group show, Stories 1. You'll get hungry for sushi after reading about Ikkyu, the new Japanese restaurant in Paradise. And you'll finally get a look at Arts DEVO's holiday songs mix (that doesn't stink).
Happy holidays and happy reading!
-Melissa Daugherty, managing editor
Christmas break
Once again the CN&R offers one of Zu Vincent’s delightful stories set during the holiday season.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Home for the holidays
Former Chicoan Troy Williams describes his military service in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Trolling for dollars founder Christian Friedland opens up about e-businesses’ battle against dodgy patent lawsuits.
This article was published on 12.20.12
A shelter in need
The Esplanade House faces budget cuts, appeals for volunteers.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Making Chico ‘clean and safe’
Councilwoman Ann Schwab’s proposal to establish an ad hoc committee to bring city leadership to the homelessness issue failed, but it did spark a long-overdue discussion.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Walgreens whacked for eco-violations
Eight Butte County Walgreens stores part of lawsuit settlement ordering Walgreen Co. to pay $16.57 million for environmental violations.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Commissioner stepping down
Longtime Planning Commissioner Dave Kelley calls it quits.
This article was published on 12.20.12
New Peace & Justice director hired
Chris Moore-Backman is the new director of the Chico Peace & Justice Center.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Health-care-cost crisis
More Americans put off medical care due to the pricetag.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Greening your holidays
Seven easy tips for a greener holiday season.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Judge delays Keystone XL
Texas landowner claims TransCanada lied about transporting crude oil.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Off-and-on energy
Gas-fired plants must back up wind, solar installations.
This article was published on 12.20.12
‘Rock star’ wolf shot, killed
Popular Yellowstone wolf is victim of wolf hunt.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Singing for a troubled planet
Classical singer Shyla Nelson’s synchronized One Earth. One Voice. event on Dec. 21 aims for planetary healing.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Green Christmas
Tips galore for keeping the holidays eco-friendly.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Support for special needs
Nonprofit foundation offers free help to parents of developmentally disabled children.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Healthful holiday eatin’
Seven health-promoting foods to indulge in over the holidays.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Suicide-prevention blitz
Ad campaign highlights suicide warning signs, how to help.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Fairest air in all the land?
Bay Area residents breathe easy compared to those in Southern California.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Facebook vs. obesity?
Study looks at the potential role of social media in the fight against obesity.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Our two-tiered justice system
Britain’s largest bank spent years laundering drug-cartel and terrorist money, but nobody is going to jail for it.
This article was published on 12.20.12
From sadness, action
If any good is to come from the Newtown massacre, we must turn our sadness into action.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Crazy people in an insane society
Why do we make it so easy for mad men to obtain weapons of mass killing?
This article was published on 12.20.12
Stepping back from the beat
Retiring Chico Police Officer Linda McKinnon.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Our ‘obligation to try’
The president had it right: We must make an effort to lessen gun violence.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Tell me a story
Chico artists share their stories in homegrown group show.
This article was published on 12.20.12
Cherry on top of the ridge
New Japanese restaurant is worth the drive to Paradise.
This article was published on 12.20.12
There and back again
Peter Jackson stays true to Tolkein’s (and his own) vision of Middle Earth.
This article was published on 12.20.12