Issue: June 21, 2012

Welcome to the summer, CN&R fans:
It's a perfect time to get out to and experience Bidwell Park! And,
after reading this week's cover story about me taking a walk across
the 12-mile length of the park and talking to park workers and
volunteers about the challenges Chico's "crown jewel" is facing and
the need for a much higher level of stewardship, maybe you'll want to
volunteer to pull a few invasive plants after you finish your picnic,
hike or swim?
In Newslines, Christine G.K. LaPado looks into a knife-point robbery
at Chico Natural Foods and how the store and other businesses
downtown are dealing with an increase in panhandling and shoplifting;
news editor Tom Gascoyne talks to Chico's new police chief, Kirk
Trostle; and Ken Smith reports on a fresh round of budget cuts by the
City of Chico for the 2012-13 fiscal year.
In Healthlines, Meredith J. Graham looks at public health concerns in
the aftermath of the Georgia woman's battle with flesh-eating
bacteria, while in Greenways, editor Christine G.K. LaPado digs up
the dirt on fracking.
The exciting news in art is the addition of the new MANAS Art Space
to the local scene, and Willow Sharkey files a report on the festive
opening night. While ver at the Blue Room Theatre, Ken Smith takes in
his first Bloomsday, celebrating James Joyce and all things Irish.
-Jason Cassidy, arts editor
Preserving our nature
It’s time for locals to get serious about the stewardship of Bidwell Park.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Make it your park
Help make Bidwell Park shine by volunteering.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Natty dread
Chico Natural Foods, in Chico’s busy SOPO neighborhood, is dealing with an uptick in panhandling and shoplifting, as well as first armed robbery.
This article was published on 06.21.12
‘A really good run’
It’s a long way from rural Oroville to Compton, in the heart of the greater Los Angeles metro region, but Oroville’s city administrator, G. Harold Duffey, is eager to make the move.
This article was published on 06.21.12
CCFM manager makes abrupt exit
Farmers’ market manager Liz Gardner-Jaqua abruptly quits at the peak of the season.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Delta plan critiqued
Restore the Delta speaks out against plans to funnel water south.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Backing off
Enloe administration cries foul on nurses’ planned picketing.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Fracking around
Local expert discusses the growing hubbub around the controversial method of oil and natural-gas extraction known as fracking.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Coal-fired plant gets the boot
Department of Water Resources will not renew a lease with Reid Gardner Power Station.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Underwater parks
California is the first to complete a statewide marine park system.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Planet headed for irreversible damage
A U.N. report prior to the Rio+20 summit in Brazil warns of unprecedented degradation to the Earth.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Tipping point of no return?
Global warming: It’s later than you think.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Clean it with vodka!
Leftover vodka? Use it for chemical-free household cleaning.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Feeding on fear
Flesh-eating bacteria is devastating but not worth worrying about.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Sex apnea?
Contrary to what one might fear, using a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea actually can increase a man’s performance in the bedroom.
This article was published on 06.21.12
State hospitals fined
Thirteen California hospitals were fined for lapses in patient safety.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Cancer rates mixed, but mortality drops
Cancer mortality rates improve for all age groups in California.
This article was published on 06.21.12
It’s never too late to quit
Quitting smoking reduces the risk of premature death, even in lifelong smokers.
This article was published on 06.21.12
New revenues are needed
Once again the city has balanced its budget without gutting services, but it’s reached its limit. Councilman Holcombe is right: We need to raise some money.
This article was published on 06.21.12
A time to celebrate
Chico’s nurses’ union was wise to scale back its planned picketing of the gala Enloe celebration on Saturday.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Oh, (expletive deleted) ’em all
My mother told me not to cuss, but with some people I just can’t help myself.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Slow glide
Pilot Garry Lee talks about his new glider operation based out of Oroville.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Unconstructive criticism
It’s one thing to point fingers, Councilman Evans. It’s another to offer a better way.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Yes I said, yes I will
Falling for the Celtic Knights of the Sea’s annual Bloomsday fest.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Shake it up with a remix
Quick tips for clearing out your liquor cabinet.
This article was published on 06.21.12
Welcome to the jungle
Singing along with Tom Cruise and the crappy music from the ’80s.
This article was published on 06.21.12