Issue: May 10, 2012

Good afternoon, readers:
We're excited for you to read this week's cover story, "A Monk's Life," about the brothers of the Abbey of New Clairvaux. Many of you may be familiar with the Vina monastery, but writer Jerry Olenyn, because he works at the Abbey, has unprecedented access to the brothers. It shows in the piece, as the monks talk not only about their life in service to God, but also about their pasts outside of the Abbey.
In Newslines this week, you'll get a taste of local politics. CN&R staff writer Ken Smith has a report on the League of Women Voters' candidates' forum, which included those seeking to fill the seat of retiring 1st District Congressman Wally Herger. Editor Robert Speer takes us south to Biggs for a story on some troubles in the school district, which is at odds with the teachers' union on a contract. Speaking of contract negotiations, news editor Tom Gascoyne has a write up on the California Nurses Association's picket at Enloe Medical Center last Friday. And there's more ...
Over in the Arts and Culture, there's a write up on Chico's latest print publication, Empirical Magazine. And you'll also find a review of the Chico State School of the Arts' production of Oklahoma!
Quick brag: The CN&R won three awards in a statewide journalism contest. One of them, a first-place award, is for local government coverage produced by Robert Speer, Tom Gascoyne and yours truly. Our Arts and Culture section, under the fearless leadership of Jason Cassidy, finished second to our sister paper, the Sacramento News & Review. Check out Downstroke to learn more.
Thanks for continuing to read and support the CN&R,
-Melissa Daugherty, managing editor
A monk’s life
A rare close-up portrait of some of the remarkable men who live as monks at the Abbey of New Clairvaux.
This article was published on 05.10.12
From grapes to grace
My farm worker parents wanted an easier life for me, but I chose substance and authenticity over affluence.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Big ‘ifs’ in Biggs
The town’s new schools superintendent faces some daunting challenges.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Herger’s hot seat
Seven of eight candidates square off over retiring Congressman Wally Herger’s seat.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Weekend warriors
Chico Police had their hands full over the holiday.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Contract impasse
Enloe nurses stage picket in light of stalled contract talks.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Water lawsuit in the works
AquAlliance sues Butte Water District over plan to ship water south of the Delta.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Pat on the back
Chico News & Review wins a statewide award for local government coverage.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Debate continues over noise law
Chico police want to write citations without giving warnings, but City Councilman Andy Holcombe has another idea.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Union blues
Stats on the declining number of American union workers.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Faire play
The Endangered Species Faire on May 5 was the place to be for environmentally savvy kids and their parents wanting to have an enjoyable day.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Accolades for oil producer
Locally-produced olive oil wins award in Japan.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Chico Wildflower gets greener
The 100-mile cycling race diverted 82 percent of generated waste from local landfills.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Smog, smog, go away
California’s cities are among the most ozone-polluted in the country.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Safeway says no—again
Safeway won’t allow school for developmentally disabled to sell raffle tickets in front of its Mangrove Avenue store, despite having given prior permission.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Doggie delight
Molly Mutt duvets and stuff-sacks are eco-friendly and stylish.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Bad report card
In a recent study, Butte County ranked a dismal 44th out of 58 counties on overall health of its citizens.
This article was published on 05.10.12
A short course to beat latent TB
It’s estimated that more than 9,000 county residents have latent tuberculosis. Untreated, it can become active, but the good news is that treatment is easier and faster than ever.
This article was published on 05.10.12
DNA can be altered by violence
Violence can accelerate the aging process in children.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Pesticide, brain abnormalities linked
Pregnant mothers are urged to avoid agricultural areas sprayed with chlorpyrifos.
This article was published on 05.10.12
At-home STD tests
Young Bay Area women can order STD testing kit online.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Pipe down, folks
Chico City Councilman Andy Holcombe has a good idea to resolve chronic noise complaints.
This article was published on 05.10.12
The end of austerity
For two years Europeans have been trying to end the recession by instituting severe austerity measures. It hasn’t worked, and last week voters revolted.
This article was published on 05.10.12
A soon-to-have can’t wait
The Republican path to a classless society.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Chico’s NFL referee
Catch Chico’s Don Carlsen refereeing during the NFL’s next season.
This article was published on 05.10.12
City Council ironies
The Chico City Council may be split along liberal-conservative lines, but as a vote last week showed, the split can be nuanced.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Empire of three
Chico trio launches Empirical, a literary and current affairs magazine.
This article was published on 05.10.12
More than OK
Chico State’s spring musical, Oklahoma!, ends the semester on a grand note.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Get in the kitchen, man
Man up, with Esquire’s ultimate collection of food writing and recipes.
This article was published on 05.10.12
Dream team
Joss Whedon is right choice to helm The Avengers blockbuster.
This article was published on 05.10.12
The perfect meal
Documenting the greatest Sushi chef in the world.
This article was published on 05.10.12