Issue: May 03, 2012

Happy Thursday, CN&R readers,
In this week’s cover story, Jaime O’Neill describes his night attending the
“King of the Cage” mixed-martial-arts fights at a local casino. Afterward,
he hung out with some of the fighters. His conversations with them greatly
changed his preconceptions about the fighters and cage fighting in general.
The story is accompanied by some fantastic photographs by Kyle Delmar.
In news, check out Vic Cantu’s piece on “Pastor Bob.” You may recognize him
from around town. His real name is Robert Taylor, and he says he’s being
wrongly targeted for eviction from his apartment on The Esplanade. The
75-year-old Chico man has lived there for more than 25 years. In other
news, news editor Tom Gascoyne sets the record straight on the Chico Fire
Department’s closure of Fire Station 5, and editor Robert Speer describes
the political divide apparent during this week’s City Council meeting.
There’s a lot going on this week in arts …
Arts editor Jason Cassidy paints a picture of the Blue Room Theatre’s
production of A Clockwork Orange. Oh, my. Let’s just say it’s not for the
squeamish or the prudish. And Mark Lore’s music feature will make you want
to head over to Origami Lounge to check out Brit band Allo Darlin’.
-Melissa Daugherty, managing editor
Warriors in cages
Cage fighting is always violent and often bloody, but as the author learned watching the “King of the Cage” event, it also fosters brotherhood and respect among its practitioners.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Violence and opportunity
Al Joslin’s business is violence, but he insists cage fighting is a positive force in participants’ lives.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Religious eviction?
Longtime Chico apartment dweller Robert Taylor fights landlord’s attempts to boot him.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Split becomes a chasm
Four times at this week’s Chico City Council meeting, the vote split along liberal-conservative lines—and the liberals prevailed.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Culture shock
Students from Myanmar learn about America via Butte College.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Hot under the collar
Chico fire station closure leads to protest.
This article was published on 05.03.12
BMA gets back in action
The Bidwell Mansion Association and State Parks agree to a new partnership.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Crime down, police say
Chico’s overall crime rate decreased in 2011, but homicides were at an all-time high and auto thefts jumped by 32 percent.
This article was published on 05.03.12
FOX 20 sold?
Word has it that Bonten Media Group, owner of KRCR Channel 7, may be buying the Chico station.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Booted from school in Butte County
In some districts, 4 out of 10 or more were suspended last year.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Biomass-energy dreams
Colusa’s Agricultural Biomass Center offers a forum for small farmers interested in producing energy from agricultural waste.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Cleaner air in the Bay
The Bay Area has dropped off the list of the 25 most polluted areas in the nation.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Mining asteroids?
A handful of the nation’s financial elite have invested in space mining.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Wind power versus condors
Wind turbines could pose a threat to endangered condors.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Planting trees and discovering the cool side of Tucson
Learn how to plant and care for trees; learn about cool stuff in Tucson, including artful bicycle racks.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Spare the Air Day
Ride the B-Line buses for free in Butte County on May 3.
This article was published on 05.03.12
California leads the way
California reaps benefits of Affordable Care Act, despite its being under scrutiny at Supreme Court level.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Relief from the “Chico disease”
Some tips to help lessen your allergy symptoms by reducing your exposure to pollens.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Tobacco targets black teens
Ads for cigarettes are more common in low-income, black neighborhoods.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Abortion bill stalled in Senate
A law that would expand access to first-trimester abortions is in deadlock.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Killing in war, suicidal thoughts linked
Veterans with killing experience more likely to consider suicide.
This article was published on 05.03.12
The council’s not to blame
The fire chief is the person who decided to close Station 5, not the city manager or the council.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Prop. 28 will fix term limits
Current term limits aren’t working. Proposition 28 will fix that, while keeping limits in place.
This article was published on 05.03.12
An ag-gag law for California?
Big Ag is pushing laws making it illegal to do undercover investigations of animal abuse and states are responding.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Four-wheelin’ champ
Fifth-grader Kyler Thau leaves his competition in the dust.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Know him by his friends
The LDS church may have abandoned its anti-blacks practices, but it’s as homophobic as any church in America, and Mitt Romney is a devoted member.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Real horrorshow
Blue Room goes wild in re-creation of A Clockwork Orange.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Spooky Action at a Distance
Deerhunter’s No. 2 releases second solo disc.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Sweet and lowdown
UK quartet Allo Darlin’ isn’t trying to break you heart … but they just might.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Season’s eatings
Most of all, Henri loves vegetable-grilling season.
This article was published on 05.03.12
A curiosity, nothing more
Novelty of Edgar Allen Poe as a character makes disappointing script bearable.
This article was published on 05.03.12
Trip of fools
Following Jason Segel and Ed Helms on semi-comical quest.
This article was published on 05.03.12