Issue: April 05, 2012

Good morning, CN&R readers:
We have a lot of good reads for you this week, starting with our cover story:
When you think about Iraq, the first thing that comes to mind is probably
the war. Maybe you immediately think about the thousands of American
soldiers and Iraqis who lost their lives there over the past decade.
Perhaps there is not a single good thing that comes to mind when you think
about the country. But for the author of this week's cover story, there's a
lot more to Iraq. Phil Dennis goes back to his childhood and the time he
spent in the country, which was a far different place than what many of us
envision today. For one, Americans were beloved by the Iraqi people.
In Newslines this week, check out staff writer Ken Smith's report on the
Bidwell Mansion Association's dissolved partnership with the California
State Park Commission. We also have a write-up about Republican
presidential candidate Ron Paul and his stopover in Chico. CN&R intern Kyle
Emery took so many great photos of the event that we put a gallery online
(head to the story at to see it). The section is
rounded out by coverage of this week's Chico City Council meeting and a
follow-up on the Chico mortgage scandal involving local builder Tony Symmes.
In Arts and Culture, there's a lot to check out, too, including a review of
the Blue Room Theatre's disturbingly sexy new play, The Secretaries. And in
his weekly column, arts editor Jason Cassidy highlights some of the area's
not-to-be-missed arts, entertainment and community events over the next
couple of months (the Thursday Night Market starts tonight!).
We hope you enjoy this week's issue.
-Melissa Daugherty, managing editor
Memories of Baghdad, 1952-53
When he was 6 years old, the author lived with his family in Iraq. He remembers a country very different from the one that exists now.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Much ado about the mansion
Bidwell Mansion Association’s future is uncertain after fallout with the state.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Lessons in libertarianism
Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul pleases the choir in Chico.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Mortgage scam fallout
Brother sentenced, sister found guilty in local mortgage fraud scam.
This article was published on 04.05.12
City’s sewer stink
City Council members are all for hooking folks up to the sewer, but they don’t like the smell of mandatory annexation.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Chico may have new police chief
Will Chico police Capt. Kirk Trostle be the city’s next top cop?
This article was published on 04.05.12
Petition drive along The Esplanade
Local Democrats gather signatures for state ballot.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Chico boxing champ defends title
Ava Knight KOs her opponent in Mexico.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Californians worried about health-care costs
A new survey shows Californians are worried about health-care costs and expect them to rise.
This article was published on 04.05.12
King of cactus
When it comes to cacti and succulents, French ex-pat Claude Geffray is the man.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Costly effects of warming seas
A study puts a price on the potential effects of global warming on the world’s oceans.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Americans want tougher fracking rules
A majority of Americans favor tighter regulations on the natural gas drilling technique.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Beekeepers petition against pesticide
The EPA is reviewing the use of a pesticide thought to destroy bee colonies.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Everything you want to know about beans (plus, a pink-slime update)
All-encompassing dried-bean workshop to be held in the Gateway Science Museum’s Sustainability Garden; plus, more on pink slime.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Be better for the bunnies
Five steps to a sustainable Easter.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Nursing crunch
Amid a nationwide shortage of nurses, Butte College’s nursing program is forced to slash enrollment due to funding cuts.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Check-up checklist
Make one prior to your next doctor’s appointment.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Red meat is risky
Consumption has been linked to an increased risk of an early death.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Fitness, nutrition slow obesity rates
A UC Davis study credits improved obesity rates to statewide nutrition and fitness standards.
This article was published on 04.05.12
A very deadly habit
Tobacco use is projected to kill a billion people by the end of the century.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Green light for abuse
Allowing police to strip-search people arrested for minor offenses is an abuse of state power. Besides, who goes around with drugs or weapons in their rectums?
This article was published on 04.05.12
A long look at water
Water issues are vexing, to say the least. We’re hopeful the discussions surrounding next year’s Book in Common will help us clarify them.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Building a healthier nation
Becoming healthy begins at home and then radiates outward.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Seasoned beauty
Chico Beauty College’s Paula Grieco is a maven of all things gorgeous.
This article was published on 04.05.12
From flap to kerfuffle
There won’t be a dull moment leading up to November’s election.
This article was published on 04.05.12
If you want blood …
The Secretaries plunges into the heart of sexual stereotypes.
This article was published on 04.05.12
The Farther Shore
Chico author Rob Davidson is at the top of his game.
This article was published on 04.05.12
The Devil Ain’t Got No Music
Ringin’ in the gospel with Lurrie Bell.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Last Chance, first stop
CJ’s is a quick and tasty way to get out of town.
This article was published on 04.05.12
Swords, sandals and CGI
Clash of the Titans follow-up is big, empty and only mildly fun.
This article was published on 04.05.12