Issue: November 03, 2011

Good morning, CN&R readers,
A Paradise man is the picture of reformation. In the early 1980s, Steve
Arrington was busted for smuggling cocaine destined for John DeLorean
(though DeLorean--yeah, the guy who created the Back to the Future car--was
acquitted on all charges). After serving about three years, Arrington came
out a changed man. He tells us his story, which he also shares in a book he
recently published about his life.
In other news: Harvest season is also busy season for local law
enforcement; one parent questions what her daughter is learning in history
class; and Chico State offers psychiatry via TV screen.
Read on,
Meredith Graham, managing editor
As always, we also have much, much more in store for you, so keep reading.
From convict to crusader
In 1982 Steve Arrington was arrested with John DeLorean for smuggling $24 million worth of cocaine. The bust saved his life, he says.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Proliferation of pot
Sheriff’s deputies bust several high-volume marijuana farms.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Teaching Islam a touchy subject
Parent complains about history curriculum; school district defends its right to teach about religion.
This article was published on 11.03.11
City reacts to continuing budget woes
Moving money may be the best option, Chico City Council agrees.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Halloween weekend exits with a whimper
Plenty of arrests, but not much action on this long holiday weekend.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Bird watch
Don Bird goes after Tehama County registrar to get to Jim Nielsen.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Chico Great Debate divides sides
This year’s topic: merit pay and tenure in K-12 schools.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Referendum, here we come
Citizens for Compassionate Use back with another petition, this time opposing the county ban on dispensaries.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Education at a cost
Middle-income families fall back when it comes to UC enrollment.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Zombies invade City Plaza
Don’t worry, they just want to dance.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Vampire cable
Those little set-top cable-TV boxes really suck up electricity and spew polluting CO2 emissions.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Green waste practices
Waste Management’s Chico branch recognized for sustainability.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Lundberg on the green-biz forefront
Lundberg Family Farms receives award for innovation in energy and agriculture.
This article was published on 11.03.11
No wood smoke, please
An ordinance restricting wood-stove users in Chico is coming into effect.
This article was published on 11.03.11
- and the Fukushima Plate! helps soldiers afford green goods; plus, the Fukushima Plate detects radiation levels in your sushi.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Light right
Trade in your old Christmas lights for energy-efficient alternatives (at a discount!).
This article was published on 11.03.11
Treatment from a distance
How convenient can a shrink be? Check out telepsychiatry.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Local hospitals honored
HealthGrades releases latest rankings.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Bad air days
San Joaquin Valley study shows ER admission rates and pollution levels go hand-in-hand.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Cellphones don’t link to cancer?
A Danish study shows no link between long-term cellphone use and cancer.
This article was published on 11.03.11
The rich should pay more
The great success of the Occupy movement has been showing that wealth inequality is a threat to democracy.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Keep roadless areas intact
House Republicans want to throw out rule that protects the national forests.
This article was published on 11.03.11
A grandmother joins the protest
Marching for a government that represents everyone.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Letters for November 3, 2011
Our always-sharp readers let us know what they think.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Chico’s poker queen
Angie Harris celebrates 14 years owning Angie’s Poker Club, with plans to expand.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Another senseless murder
The random shooting of David Yang had an earlier parallel in the killing of Jimmy Lee Campbell.
This article was published on 11.03.11
The Classic
Chico State students document FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid rivalry.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Larry Vuckovich
Something special from Bay Area pianist Larry Vuckovich.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Shane Dwight
Rock and blues recharged on Shane Dwight’s latest.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Audiovisual adventure
Symphony to perform Brubecks’ composition set to Ansel Adams’ photographs.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Vintage 2011
2011 weather anomalies took their toll on Nor Cal crops.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Everyday Sunshine
A quick and easy nugget of film goodness or badness.
This article was published on 11.03.11
Paranormal Activity 3
A quick and easy nugget of film goodness or badness.
This article was published on 11.03.11