Issue: July 16, 2009

“Extreme Makeover: California Edition”The state constitution is ready for an overhaul, many watchdogs, educators and politicos argue. Is it time for a constitutional convention, and if so, who would our delegates be? This week Cosmo Garvin tackles these questions and more in our Feature Story.In other news: A toxic site warrants a good cleanup, but no money means it will likely remain toxic. Also, generating electricity through high-flying kites, where to find some of the best gelatto around, and tile murals that make Chico more beautiful.
Extreme makeover: California edition
California is so dysfunctional it’s become ungovernable. Is it time to overhaul the state constitution?
This article was published on 07.16.09
For toxic site, no money means no cleanup
Man who pleaded guilty to illegal burning faces jail time, but what will happen to the land?
This article was published on 07.16.09
Planning Commission to hear Walmart expansion plans
Five years in the making, a final EIR and designs for Walmart supercenter are up for approval.
This article was published on 07.16.09
California meltdown
Another in our weekly series of quick takes on the unfolding meltdown of the great state of California.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Cops gone wild
The Folsom PD fired two veteran officers for “inappropriate behavior” with two college-aged Chico women. Just what were they doing?
This article was published on 07.16.09
Fight the bite
County officials detect West Nile virus and warn residents to take precautions against mosquitoes.
This article was published on 07.16.09
All about jobs, says Logue
The state assemblyman introduces a resolution to support private businesses.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Enloe case gets quick resolution
The hospital reaches a settlement with Francine Shaw, who received an overdose of Heparin last year.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Chico foreclosures in line with nation
But ahead of the curve in California.
This article was published on 07.16.09
In the clouds
Chico State’s Cristina Archer discovers vast potential for high-altitude wind energy.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Trader Joe’s or Traitor Joe’s?
Greenpeace calls out Trader Joe’s for selling imperiled fish.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Sort it, San Francisco
City by the Bay adopts mandatory composting.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Bad news, bears
Federal study says polar bear outlook is getting bleaker.
This article was published on 07.16.09
LEEDing transformation
Popular U.S. green-building standard keeps evolving.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Preserve those plastics
Give new life to No. 5 plastics and used water filters.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Time to pull TANC’s plug
The TANC transmission-lines project was dicey from the get-go, but the agency’s incompetence has put the last nail in its coffin.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Collecting online sales taxes
California loses more than $1 billion annually because people don’t pay their sales tax on Internet purchases, as required. It’s time for reform.
This article was published on 07.16.09
BEC members to board: Reconsider Vlamis
There may have been good intentions, but match them with good judgment.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Letters for July 16, 2009
Our always-sharp readers let us know what they think.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Three decades of Dolly
Dolly Russell has answered the prayers of comic-book lovers for 30 years.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Brick by brick
Ceramicist Janice Hofmann works with local youth to beautify the community through tile murals.
This article was published on 07.16.09
World of Warcraft: Fields of Honor
Digital world goes analog.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Chicago Blues: A Living History
Chicago blues classics goosed up by two generations of the city’s players.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Low-key rock
Chico’s Surrogate bucks preconceptions for second Tooth & Nail release.
This article was published on 07.16.09
Funny ha ha and funny queer
Sacha Baron Cohen tests boundaries once again, this time with flamboyantly gay Brüno.
This article was published on 07.16.09