Issue: July 09, 2009

This has been a week of transition here at the CN&R. We said goodbye to Evan Tuchinsky and welcomed News Editor Robert Speer to the post of Interim Editor with this issue. It was a smooth transition, albeit bittersweet.This issue leads off with a Feature Story that takes a hard look at the aftermath of last year’s Camp Fire in Concow. Arts Editor Jason Cassidy spent time in the small town, talking with locals, hearing their stories of rebuilding and coping with the emotional challenges and stresses caused by the fires, and capturing the scene in some striking photographs.The News section features the second installment in a now-weekly feature: California meltdown. The column is a quick, pithy rundown of what’s going on with our money in Sacramento, penned by Robert Speer. (For an alternate view, columnist Anthony Peyton Porter explains why he’s not worried in his weekly column, From The Edge.) Also in this week’s News is a profile of a woman who was given an overdose of the blood thinner Heparin at Enloe Medical Center a year ago. She’s been ill ever since.For some sustainability highlights, check out the Green Guide, which features the story of a big-city woman who has made a life out of organic farming. This week’s dining story takes an inside look at Cal’s Kitchen, Northern California’s artisan tofu shop.Scene explores summer’s traditional Shakespeare productions, which are moving from outdoors to inside the Chico Women’s Club. Arts DEVO: It’s not just Shakespeare. Chico’s summer theater season is busier than normal.