Issue: January 24, 2008

By the grace of God
Outreach, acceptance and embracing change have transformed Bidwell Presbyterian from floundering to full of life.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Enloe Hospital
Just as Enloe received full accreditation, three cases from the past came back to haunt it.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Women in politics
When a group of 40 women—and one man—got together, the subject was how to get more women elected to office.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Slow but steady
While many areas of California are suffering through the worst housing crisis in decades, Chico is experiencing little more than a mild downturn. Why is that?
This article was published on 01.24.08
Toting up the storm damage
Ag interests lose a lot in the wind: $69 million in Butte County and $48 million in Glenn.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Vanore says arrivederci
North State favorite’ weatherman joins a former colleague in Florida.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Teen gets hard time
Las Plumas High gunman Gregory Wright hit with a 22-year prison term.
This article was published on 01.24.08
An American education
American education statistics compared to other international education statistics.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Focused on the future
Chico State and Butte College take on a national campaign to help solve the climate crisis.
This article was published on 01.24.08
National Geographic goes green
Publication launches quarterly magazine aimed at eco-conscious consumers.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Bird deaths ruffle feds
Dead bald eagles trigger an investigation by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Melting ice mounts concerns
New research showing a loss of Antarctic ice fuels worries about significant ocean-level increases.
This article was published on 01.24.08
So much you can recycle
You can put more materials in the recycling container than you may realize.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Primary picks: Obama, McCain
For the presidential showdown, Barack Obama and John McCain are the best of their parties’ candidates.
This article was published on 01.24.08
No on Props 91, 92
Both measures would lock in state spending levels, making it even harder for the Legislature and governor to come up with a budget.
This article was published on 01.24.08
United we—and Roe v. Wade—stand
The abortion ruling reaches its 35th anniversary but faces fresh challenges.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Letters for January 24, 2008
Our always-sharp readers let us know what they think.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Like clockwork
Paul Niess is a young man in the old business of fixing clocks.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Principal for a day
An educational walk in an educator’s shoes, where the rubber truly meets the road.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Everything is illuminated
Thomas Kren puts ancient manuscripts in a new light.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Arts DEVOté
Artspace … the final frontier; former Chico artist spreads a little Chico in New Mexico; a road trip to Lourdes; and the Bi-Weekly devotions.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Look! Up in the sky!
It’s a bird! It’s … the ninth annual Snow Goose Festival, bringing nature and art together.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Days of Lore
Loosen up those arms, we’re flapping our way around the globe: Starring The Chills, The Mint Chicks, Between the Devil and the Deep, Guns Are for Kids, Die Ärzte and Los Dug Dug’s.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Smile When You’re Lying: Confessions of a Rogue Travel Writer
Travel writer takes jabs at … travel writers, among others.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Green and Save
“Green” architect gives tips on how to make efficient homes.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Vampire Weekend
New York’s Vampire Weekend finds its muse in other cultures.
This article was published on 01.24.08
The thing is …
Icy blonde Rykarda Parasol brings her brooding rock to Chico.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Now that’s Italian
Newly reopened restaurant passes with taste and presentation.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Love and war
Best Picture nominee is a good period piece when it stays on track.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Monster mash
Giant monster movie? Check. Date movie? Check. Whoa!
This article was published on 01.24.08
A different kind of party
College students become politically active in the presidential primaries.
This article was published on 01.24.08
Making the grade
How does Chico State rank against other schools?
This article was published on 01.24.08