Issue: September 26, 2002

Sierra Standoff
When Chad Hanson decided to get a first-hand look at fire-ravaged and supposedly dead trees proposed for salvage logging in the Lassen National Forest, he discovered they weren’t dead at all.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Waiting for Glusman
The longtime Chico attorney is family law expert.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Vernal-pool plan underway
Fairy tale ending? Vernal pool species will be protected.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Faculty: ‘No also-rans for president’
We’ll get to that one later, says CSU.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Former E-R editor dies
Colleagues remembered a kind and supportive man with old-fashioned values who loved the news business.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Teachers’ slate? Union backs 3 candidates
Huber, Haynes and Robinson are the chosen ones.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Death of the free obituary
How to counter the low-down trend of newspapers charging for obituaries.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Letters for September 26, 2002
Our always-sharp readers let us know what they think.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Politics, prurience and apostasy from the good reverend.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Saving our forests
Ignore the new conventional wisdom: Smokey Bear was right after all.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Nut smackin’ good!
Music news and musings from a double-helixed columnist.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Homicidal reactions …
Powerful production of Laramie staged in Chico State’s Wismer Theater.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Oh goodie, more TV!
A host of new technology aims at feeding and controlling our television addictions.
This article was published on 09.26.02
What are youse lookin’ at?
Senator houses comedy parodying popular HBO series The Sopranos by way of The Twilight Zone.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Papa Noel & Papi Oviedo
A sparkling dance collaboration featuring two of Africa and Cuba’s finest.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Nice to be around
Freddy Cole shows he’s not just the brother of Nat with a superb performance at the Paradise Performing Arts Center.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Regal turns …
Chico State presents a Sunday afternoon of French Baroque Dance Music.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Still in the limelight
Rush shows a packed Sac Valley Ampitheatre they still got it.
This article was published on 09.26.02
The Four Feathers, a Victorian war romance, fails in its latest update.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Birthing babies
More and more Chicoans are returning to the tradition of ‘normal’ births.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Smokers beware at Chico State, vibrators galore at the mall and trash up the ying-yang in Chico’s parks.
This article was published on 09.26.02
Say the magic word
Reporters get different versions of the truth than consumers.
This article was published on 09.26.02