This is not your daddy’s political Web site. At, citizens not only get the serious facts, they get the fun frills as well. If you look up the congressman who represents Chico, Wally Herger, you’ll learn his religion (Mormon), marital status (“off the market”) and military experience (none). Oh, and a haiku: “If you hear his voice/ you’re sure to know that Wally is/ a tad to the right.” There’s a daily list of birthdays in Congress, “Pray along with Congress” (what the guest chaplain opened with that day), transcripts of celebrity testimony and “Junior’s Big-Ass Tax Cut Calculator.” The site’s slogan is, “Learn. Track. Laugh.” I signed up to get free e-mail updates of what my representatives are doing in D.C., but it hooked me up with some dude from Fresno. Still, way cool site.