Workers want more flexibility
Employees aren’t afraid to jump ship

Monumental changes in the American workplace are happening at a rapid pace, according to pollster Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report released last month. Based on data gathered from more than 195,000 workers over the last two years, it revealed that more people are working remotely (an increase from 39 to 43 percent between 2012 and 2016) and outside of traditional hours. The data show flexibility is in demand and employees aren’t afraid to seek out such opportunities, with 54 percent reporting they’d switch jobs for it. As for the job market, 47 percent said it’s a good time to find a quality job and more than half of those currently working (51 percent) are actively seeking better employment. Only 33 percent of American workers said they feel engaged at work, and a mere 21 percent “strongly agree” that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work.