White House Down

The very least you can say about director Roland Emmerich’s latest is that no matter how goofy it gets (and it gets pretty goofy), it’s still remarkably coherent. It’s also remarkably entertaining. Channing Tatum plays a D.C. cop who shows up at the White House for an interview with the Secret Service. A job protecting the POTUS (Jamie Foxx) ostensibly will redeem him in his disappointed daughter’s eyes, but the interview doesn’t go that well. Soon enough, peckerwood terrorists blow up the Capitol as a diversion to storm the White House and grab the president, and Tatum’s character is suddenly given a second interview … this time with the president himself. The script is clever and the banter is witty. Sure, it’s big, dumb fun—but it’s clever big, dumb fun. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.