What’s your story?
Winners of the CN&R’s annual Fiction 59 contest

Fiction 59 judges: The 1078 Gallery Literary Committee (from left): Sarah Pape, Kathleen McPartland and Marta Shaffer.
With the midterm elections behind us, it’s time for a well-deserved break from using up all of our words on matters of politics. Instead, the Chico News & Review is once again turning over its pages to little bites of microfiction—59 words exactly—from our readers. The annual Fiction 59 contest is a tradition that continues to endure and local writers of all ages have once again come through with a flood of creativity.
Thanks, as always, to our trusted judges, the local writing professionals of the 1078 Gallery Literary Committee, this time made up of Sarah Pape, Kathleen McPartland and Marta Shaffer. Congrats to the winners, and thank you for taking part in this showcase of Chico’s creative spirit.
Note: In order to ensure unbiased consideration, authors’ names are stripped from all stories before judges receive them.