What’s Happening
Spring and summer highlights

The Silver Dollar Fair, held each year in May, is a big hit with people from all over Butte County and from beyond, who come for the rides, entertainment and competitions.
Photo By Tom Angel
Throughout The Season
Farmers’ Market
Local growers put on weekly produce sales, on Saturdays year-round from 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in the parking lot at Second and Wall streets. 893-FARM.
Thursday Night Market
Sponsored by the Downtown Chico Business Association, this street market-complete with entertainment and produce-runs from 6 to 9 p.m. through late October.
Concerts in the Park
Chico’s Downtown Park Plaza fills with music alternate Wednesdays and Thursdays, and every Friday during the summer months, as the Music Revolution 2001 and the DCBA’s Friday night concerts bring in everything from oldies to jazz to world music.
Chico Heat
The city’s league-winning baseball team plays its fourth season’s first home game May 25 at Chico State University’s Bohler Field (Nettleton Stadium) and will continue the season through late August. 343-HEAT.
Chico Rooks Soccer
The local pro soccer organization hosts home games at the Chico State University’s Soccer Stadium on some Saturdays and Sundays through August. 343-7665.
Silver Dollar Speedway
Races are held most Friday nights, and summer events include the Golden State Challenge Series at fair time and NARC Speed Week in July. 891-6535. For BMX race information, call 673-0600 or 673-3193.
Chico Museum
Through July 1, the museum exhibit features Chico’s big-screen history. The “Chico in the Movies” display shows Chico’s role in movies such as Gone with the Wind and The Adventures of Robin Hood.
Easter Jamboree
April 14, at Bidwell Park’s Caper Acres Playground features an egg hunt in the morning. 895-4707.
Three Days of Rain
Through April 21, a play at the Blue Room Theatre, is a witty performance scripted by Richard Greenberg. 895-3749.
Late Night Twilight Zone
April 26-May 5, at the Blue Room Theatre. 895-3749.
Songs of Children
April 28, is presented via A Capella Choir and Chamber Singers at Chico State’s Harlen Adams Theatre. The piece is based on poetry written by children while interned in Nazi concentration camps. 898-5791.
Founders Week
April 20-29 at Chico State University, is an alumni association-sponsored week of historical fun. 898-6472.
Gold Nugget Days
April 26-29, brings a parade, talent shows, entertainment and more (like the crowning of the Gold Nugget Queen) to Paradise, all in honor of the Gold Rush on the Ridge. This year’s theme is “Striking Gold.” 872-8174.
International Parade
April 28, goes through Chico State University. 898-5701.
Wildflower Century Bike Race
April 29, is an annual trek through scenic Butte County, with awards given. 343-8356.
The Will Rogers Follies
May 2-5 at 7:30 p.m. and May 6 at 2 p.m., is Chico State’s spring musical, presented at Laxson Auditorium. 898-5719.
Victorian Supper
May 4 at 6 p.m., at the Bidwell Mansion. 895-6144.
Celebration of People Parade
May 5, is a downtown procession-and competition-of floats celebrating Chico’s array of backgrounds, beliefs and people.
Endangered Species Faire
May 5, in Bidwell Park’s Cedar Grove, is the 21st year of the interactive, educational event hosted by the Butte Environmental Council. 891-6424.
Feather Fiesta Days
May 5, 1-4 p.m. in Bidwell Canyon’s Lake Oroville State Recreation Area remembers Gold Rush times. 538-2219.
Chico Artisan’s Faire
May 5 and 6 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Downtown Park Plaza. More than 50 craft vendors sell their wares amid live music, a parade and a bike race. 345-9652.
Garden Tour
May 6, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. in various Chico locations, is an annual event sponsored by St. John’s Episcopal Church. 894-1971.

September’s Durham Harvest Festival celebrates the area’s agricultural heritage.
Photo By Tom Angel
Bidwell Bar Day
May 12-13, in Bidwell Canyon’s Lake Oroville State Recreation Area remembers Gold Rush times. 538-2219.
The Annies - Chico Arts and Awards
Early May. This annual festival honors local artists in all fields, culminating in an awards show. The events are many—grab the News & Review’s special insert.
Picasso at the Lapine Agile
May 18-June 9, an “absurdist comedy” written by Steve Martin performed at the Blue Room Theatre. 895-3749.
Red Suspenders Day Celebration
May 19, takes place for the 39th year in Gridley’s Downtown Park with a pancake breakfast, entertainment, crafts and chili cook-off as part of this year’s theme of “A hot time in the old town of Gridley.” 846-3142.
Silver Dollar Fair
May 23-28. Chico’s annual community fair at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds features exhibits, livestock, the rodeo, a carnival midway and concert talent. 895-4666.
Lone Star
May 25-June 9. The new Chico Cabaret presents the story of Texas good ol’ boys out for fun. Showing beforehand is Laundry & Bourbon, another comedic piece for mature audiences. 895-0245.
Micro Brew Fest 2001
June 9, a Micro Brew Fest, with plenty of tasting opportunities, will be held at the Chico Elks Lodge. 342-3768.
June 16, at the Blue Room Theatre, is Chico’s fifth annual celebration of James Joyce’s Ulysses. 895-3749.
Vintage Aeroplane and Auto Show
June 17, brings history to the Ranchaero Airport. 345-0779.
Seventh Annual New Works Festival
June 21-30 at the Blue Room Theatre. Original one-acts by local authors. 895-3749.
Native American Pow Wow
June 23 will be the Chico Pow Wow 2000, held at the Silver Dollar Fair Grounds. Members of different tribes will attend, with dancing, drumming and crafts. 898-8411.
Rancho Chico Parade of Lights
June 29, in downtown Chico. 342-6290.
Farm Sanctuary “Pignic”
July 4, The farm animal shelter in Orland hosts a celebration from noon-4 p.m. 865-4617.
Fourth of July celebration
The 36th annual celebration at One-Mile Recreation Area in Bidwell Park. 343-6055.
A Slice of Chico
July 14, is where sidewalk-sale shopping meets free watermelon courtesy of downtown merchants. 345-6500.
Butte County Fair
Aug. 22-26, at the Butte County Fairgrounds in Gridley, brings a good-time country fair with a rodeo, booths, carnival, entertainment, destruction derby, Butte County Queen pageant, livestock and agriculture-themed events. 846-3626.
Twain Miners Fair
Sept. 1-2, in the Feather River Canyon on Highway 70, recalls the Gold Rush with music, crafts, food, mining supplies, wagon rides and gunfights and more. 283-2130.
Durham Harvest Festival
Mid-September. Local produce is the focal point of this event at Durham Community Park, which also includes a car show, steam engines and crafts.
Pastels on the Plaza
Sept. 15-16, brightens up the Downtown City Plaza for charity, courtesy of the Parent Education Network. 893-0391.
A Taste of Chico
Sept. 9, is the annual opportunity to sample the fare—food, microbrews and wines—offered by a variety of Chico’s restaurants and businesses. 345-6500.
Gold Cup Races
Mid-September, at the Silver Dollar Speedway, follows the Pacific Sprint Cup. 891-6535.
Chico World Music Festival
Late September, on the front lawn at Chico State, is the sixth annual celebration of cultures, dance and music that ranges from African high life to new acoustic, Latin rhythms to bluegrass and Irish fiddle tunes to Russian folk. 891-5791.
Bull Riders Championships
Sept. 21-22, at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds. 891-1650.
Days of Living History
Sept. 22-23, at the Gold Nugget Museum in Paradise, is a family festival with exhibits, demonstrations and hands-on activities by which to experience the ways of life on the Ridge from 1850 to 1950. 872-8722.