Weed workout
A new kind of runner’s high

Exercising while high may sound half-baked, but a recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health suggests otherwise. Researchers surveyed 600 adult marijuana users—in states where pot had been legalized—to see if they’d ever used cannabis within one hour before or four hours after exercise. A surprising 82 percent said yes, and most reported that pot motivates them to work out, helps them enjoy exercise and improves their recovery time. This new finding not only challenges the age-old stereotype of the lazy pot-smoker, but it also offers hope to those who experience pain while exercising. There is evidence to suggest that cannabinoids dampen pain perception and induce an artificial “runner’s high.” Cannabis also is known to be anti-inflammatory, which could aid muscle and joint recovery. No need to toke up yet, but the findings certainly are stimulating.
Source: CU Boulder Today