Walmart time again
Chico City Council will once again discuss expansion of the Chico Walmart
A reprieve on the longstanding debate about Walmart’s proposed expansion in Chico is coming to a close.
At its regular meeting Tuesday (Oct. 20) the Chico City Council decided to hear what the company has to offer in the way of a new proposal to add a grocery component to its Forest Avenue store. The council voted to take up the issue as an action item at its regular Nov. 17 meeting, during which it will consider whether the company has provided the so-called “overriding conditions” that outweigh the impacts associated with the project.
Councilman Andy Holcombe cast the lone dissenting vote, saying he was happy with the council’s previous decision (denying the retailer’s expansion application) and didn’t want to take up the issue at all.
City Attorney Lori Barker gave the panel the stinging news that it must allow for additional public comment should new info come to light. That prompted Councilwoman Mary Flynn to question whether it was appropriate to take up the issue at a regular meeting.
“I can see it mushrooming into something much larger,” she said.