Walk for the animals
Event raises money for Farm Sanctuary

Saturday (Sept. 25), Chico and 70 other cities in the U.S. and Canada will take part in the 2010 Walk for Farm Animals, to benefit Farm Sanctuary. Last year, more than 3,600 people raised upwards of $330,000, and this year the organization is hoping to bring in even more for the animal-advocacy group with locations in New York and Orland. One way they’re trying to do that is by bringing in celebrity spokesman Bob Harper—you might recognize him from TV’s The Biggest Loser.
For those interested in participating in the walk, register online at www.firstgiving.com/farmsanctuary for $15 or register the day of the event for $20 at 9 a.m. at One-Mile’s Sycamore Pool. A potluck hosted by Chico Vegan Meetup will follow the walk (bring a vegan dish if you wish to eat).