Wahl still stands
With all votes counted, he defeats Dolan

The final numbers are in for the June 8 race for 2nd District Butte County supervisor, and Jane Dolan’s surprising loss to Larry Wahl (pictured) still stands. Of 7,203 total votes cast, Dolan received 3,454 votes, or 47.95 percent, to Wahl’s 3,731 votes (51.80 percent), a difference of just 277 votes. There were 18 write-in votes.
Interestingly, the final tally for polling-place precinct votes shows that Dolan outperformed Wahl by 1,583 votes to Wahl’s 1,315 among walk-in voters. But the mail-in ballots sealed Wahl’s victory—he received 2,416 votes to Dolan’s 1,871.
Dolan vowed in a press release issued following the final count that her mission of “maintain[ing] the Greenline as is, keeping our [l]ibrary open, [and] protecting our neighborhoods from unwanted zoning changes” will continue.