Undermining the public’s trust
District Attorney Mike Ramsey’s findings in police shooting reek of a coverup

Despite the fact that they undermine health, wealth, safety and civil rights, the alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and gambling industries are extremely lucrative. The government and insurance, legal, financial and medical industries also thrive by cleaning up the messes they leave in their wake. Governments accordingly scramble to legalize, assist, encourage and accommodate them. This includes mandating that every citizen purchase fire, liability, and now, health insurance.
Andrew Thomas’ Nov. 26 DUI accident in Paradise and his subsequent shooting by Paradise Police Officer Patrick Feaster exemplify the wrongful death, destruction and corruption the alcohol industry elicits. Thomas’ intoxication, combined with his wife, Darien Ehorn, not wearing a seatbelt, caused her death. Then, five years of frustration arresting drunken drivers apparently drove Feaster to shoot unarmed Thomas with his Glock .45. This incident, combined with Feaster’s and DA Mike Ramsey’s associated coverups, seems to have undermined the community’s trust in government.
In reviewing crime scene video, Ramsey seemed to overlook how Feaster prioritized recovering his shell casing over administering aid to Thomas and his wife, who laid dying on the pavement. Ramsey also assessed Feaster’s alleged uncertainty about whether despite the fact that large-caliber handguns recoil forcefully and are deafening.
Finally, Ramsey supported Feaster’s claim that his weapon discharge was accidental. That is, he supported Feaster despite admitting the gun can be fired only “by applying pressure to the safety and trigger at the same time,” and that the DOJ found the weapon to be functioning properly.
District attorneys endure considerable pressure to misrepresent facts and, owing to prosecutor immunity, they’re seldom held accountable for doing so. They’re thus free to partner with law enforcement, charge adversaries with crimes they didn’t commit, and send them to prison. They’re similarly empowered to not charge law enforcement officers with crimes they did commit.