Tremor tips
Earthquake preparedness is crucial

On October 18, millions of Californians took part in the annual Great California ShakeOut, practicing how to react during an earthquake. This may seem like a waste of time in the North State, but consider this projection from the California Earthquake Authority: Butte County, within 20 miles of an active fault, has a 76 percent chance of a 7.0-magnitude temblor within the next 30 years. In addition to step five (below), for during a tremor, the Southern California Earthquake Center at the University of Southern California recommends pre-quake measures and post-quake skills to improve your chance of survival.
1. Secure your space: Fasten heavy objects and furniture to walls and move them away from areas where people sleep and sit.
2. Plan to be safe: Create a disaster and communication plan.
3. Organize disaster supplies: Keep kits in your home, car and workplace.
4. Minimize financial hardship: Collect important documents in one place, strengthen your property and consider earthquake insurance.
5. Drop, cover and hold on: During an earthquake, drop to your knees, cover your head and hold on until the shaking stops.
6. Improve safety: Immediately after an earthquake, evacuate unsafe structures, help the injured and prevent further injuries or damage
7. Reconnect and recover: Follow your disaster plan. Reconnect with others, repair damage and rebuild your community.
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