Ticks and snakes and skeeters, oh my!
Look out for rattlesnakes and ticks at Bidwell Park

Bidwell Park is now teeming with deer ticks (known Lyme-disease carriers), rattlesnakes and mosquitoes, and the city of Chico has a few tips for dealing with the critters. (For skeeter tips, see Weekly Dose) Call the Chico Park Division at 896-7800 for more info.
For ticks
• Stay on trails, away from brush and grass.
• Wear light-colored long pants and tuck legs into boots or socks, and shirt into pants.
• Use tick repellant.
• Thoroughly check yourself and your children (especially at the hairline) and your pets for ticks.
• To remove a tick, use tweezers and carefully grab, close to the skin, and pull straight out. Wash with soap and water.
For rattlesnakes
• Wear hiking boots.
• Stick to well-used trails and avoid tall grass, weeds, rocks, logs and heavy underbrush.
• Look ahead on the trail.
• Hike with a companion and/ or a cell phone.
• Call 911/seek medical attention if bitten.