Ticked off
Tips to avoid tick bites

If you’re like us, your summertime hiking and camping adventures are taking you out of the valley in search of cooler temperatures. While you’re exploring nature, be on the lookout for ticks, which are growing in number and distribution. Lyme disease may be the best-known disease transmitted by ticks, affecting over 300,000 people in the United States each year, but ticks also can carry Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Powassan virus and more. By observing a few rules, you can stay tick-free:
• Wear long pants and tuck the legs into your socks.
• Stay out of deep grass.
• Be careful where you sit and where you relieve yourself.
• Periodically check yourself and companions for ticks.
Don’t panic if you spot a tick on your body. Use fine needle-nose tweezers between your skin and the tick’s mouth to gently lift it away from your skin. Be extra careful to not squish its body, as that may release more pathogens from its gut. Once removed, clean the area with alcohol.