The Starseed Quiz

A computer-eschewing friend asked me to search the Internet for what she called “the star child quiz.” I finally found it—it’s actually called “The Starseed Quiz”—and it reminded me of something people would have sat around doing back in the late-’70s, when “new age” activities were really beginning to emerge. With the one-line introduction, “The following quiz will help identify how well prepared you are for the Quest,” a hundred yes/no questions follow: “Does the image of Sekhmet create a positive reaction?” or “Do you take special pleasure in owning/touching ancient objects?” Score 40 or above and “You may have some ancestral roots in the Pleiades.” If you score above 90, then you must “Start preparing now! In some way they will connect you to your purpose.” Apparently, the “they” are some contingent of the “star people” who live beyond the Earth. If you score near or above 75, then you are a candidate for participating in “The Quest for Stargate,” an array of activities that includes but is not limited to “Dravidian Tantra” and various healing activities.