The Last Kiss

Rated 3.0

Zach Braff is a lost soul. At least he plays one on the big screen. The Last Kiss takes him once again out of his scrubs to play depressed (see Garden State). This time it’s a predictable relationship that causes him to stare blankly into space. Braff plays a man who’s on the verge of turning 30 when his girlfriend gets pregnant. He begins to evalutate his life, and he looks to the future and sees no more surprises. Cue cute younger woman (Rachel Bilson) to mess with his mind. Braff plays depressed convincingly, despite being best known for his TV comedy Scrubs. The rest of the cast isn’t half bad, either, and that’s what ultimately makes the film work. While fairly depressing, The Last Kiss does a good job of examining the darker sides of relationships—affairs, feeling unappreciated. Nobody’s private life is perfect. And the film doesn’t choose sides or offer up an easy solution, which is refreshing.