The Goods

Butte College is reaping rewards for designing and building the energy-efficient Learning Resource Center. PG&E delivered a $51,581 check to the campus, where the building saves 149 kilowatts, 259,000 kilowatt hours and 6,166 therms per year. On top of that, PG&E estimates the college will save more than $40,000 in electricity and $7,399 in natural gas each year. The check was presented Wednesday (Oct. 10) as part of the Associated Students’ Energy Awareness Fair, which continues today (Oct. 11) at the Learning Resource Center courtyard, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Gettin’ respect
Ten former athletes with careers spanning nearly six decades will be welcomed into the Chico State Athletic Hall of Fame on Saturday (Oct. 13). The oldest of the athletes, Clifford (Blackie) Gilbert, had his athletic and academic careers interrupted by World War II, in which he served. His football and skiing careers began in 1940, and recommenced after the war in 1947. Baseball star Steve Gotowala had the most recent career in the bunch. He will be inducted for his ’96–’97 stint on the Wildcats baseball team, during which he made All-American, set five school records and was selected as NCAA Division II Player of the Year. For more information, contact the Chico State Athletic Department at (530) 898-6470.
Taking its toll
Planned Parenthood in Chico has seen quite an influx of student birth-control-related visits, most likely due to the increase in cost at the Student Health Center (as reported on the Campus page of the CN&R Aug. 30, “A bitter pill,” by Hillary Feeney). “We definitely have had a pretty significant increase in birth control visits,” said Luann Ciccone, director of the Chico center. She’s been talking with Chico State and anticipated some change, she said.
Take a stroll
Help the University Public Safety Committee identify safety hazards on campus. Groups will explore Chico State, pointing out safety hazards during the third annual Moonlight Safety Walk on Oct. 17. Meet at 7 p.m. at Sylvester’s Café. The walk will begin at 7:30 p.m. and last about an hour. Enjoy pizza and drinks before the walk. President Paul Zingg and other members of the campus community will be present. RSVP to Matt Thomas at
Order out of disorder
About 40 students showed up Monday night (Oct. 8) to discuss the “disorderly events” ordinance being considered by the Chico City Council. Representatives from the police force as well as Mayor Andy Holcombe were on hand to answer questions. “I really think students felt they got a better understanding of the ordinance,” said A.S. President Osazee Edibiri. The City Council will consider the ordinance at a special meeting Monday (Oct. 15) at 6 p.m.