The Goods

Chico State alumnus Andrew Burke (pictured) has done it again with Drawn for Life. The documentary filmmaker’s second producing effort has done so well it made the front page of CurrentTV (a viewer-created content site where the film is located) and will be aired on its sister television station in the coming weeks. Drawn for Life is a short about comic-book artist Andy Ristaino. Burke made the film with his company, Global Transmission Media. Check out this and other films by Burke at
Apply for free money
Applications for more than 700 Chico State scholarships are now available. They’ll be looking for good grades, financial need, and other exceptional qualities. Deadline is Jan. 1, 2008—a month earlier than it has been in past years. Don’t wait till the last minute. Remember, professors will need some time to write those letters of recommendation. For information, go to the financial aid Web site or e-mail
Rainforest adventure
For those with an adventurous streak, Chico State is sending a group of students to the rainforests of Costa Rica for intersession 2008. It won’t be cheap—$2,500 or so—but participants will get three units, and it’s open to all majors. Information meetings are being held today (Oct. 4) at 6:30 p.m. in Tehama 212 and Wednesday (Oct. 10) at 5 p.m. in the same place.
Event of the week
Butte College is holding College Career & Transfer Day today (Oct. 4) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the main campus in Oroville. There will be more than 50 career programs to browse through as well as more than 45 university reps available to talk about transfers.
Put on the training wheels
Watch out, Chico State faculty and staff, the new Emergency Action Plan will soon be added to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety’s Learning Management System. This training is required for all faculty and staff. Send an e-mail to for more information.
Chico State is working on a bike map so those who aren’t so familiar with the lay of the land can figure out the best routes (usually they’re not the same ones you’d drive).
Thoughts and condolences
Deborah A. Reinhardt, head of the music education program at Chico State, died last Tuesday (Sept. 25) after her car went out of control on Highway 70, flipped and landed in the Feather River in Plumas County. Our thoughts and condolences go out to her family and friends.