The Brazilian Girls
The Brazilian Girls

What’s in a name? When it comes to the Brazilian Girls, no one is actually from Brazil. And only one of them is a girl. On top of that, if you try to Google them, you’ll end up at all sorts of salacious sites, though none of them about music. You will find many sensual songs packed onto this electronic album, however, sung in French, German, Spanish and English. Italian jazz singer Sabina Scuibba floats sexy and sometimes pouty lyrics over the surface of electronica occasionally featuring reggae beats, French trumpets and accordions and tabla. Picks include the provocative “Homme,” which starts the album out with a building intensity lasting through the rest of the tracks; “Sirènes de la Fête,” with its nice dance beat and dreamy chorus; “Je veux me reveille avec toi” (I want to wake up with you); and “Pussy,” the reggae song showcasing sex and pot and how satisfyingly they play together on a hot summer evening.