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Before you go to the corporate chains, try locally owned businesses

Photo By Tom Angel
Now that you’ve settled into your new home, hung up your Green Day posters, hooked up the cable and located where the Mark and Brian Show lives on your radio dial, we’re sure you’ve noticed that in many ways your new digs are just like your old digs.
You’ve got your Starbucks and McDonald’s and Wal-Mart and Pizza Hut and 7-Eleven and Krispy Kreme and on and on and on. These familiar outlets can provide a lot of comfort for the recently relocated and go a long way in warding of those homesick blues.
On the other hand, you’re in a new town. Why not take advantage of what Chico has to offer, what makes it unique? For every corporate chain business, we have here a locally owned version, which means it’s funky, one-of-a-kind and customized. If you patronize only the chains, the familiar, the comforting, hell, you might as well move back to where you came from, kid.
Give these places a try. If they don’t live up to your standards or expectations, then go back to your corporate conveyor-belt uniformity. Hey, at least you tried to break the mold—it just grew back.
What follows, then, is a listing of widely known chains and their local counterparts that you would be oh-so-hip to patronize. Good shopping.
Chain - Local version - address
Taco Bell - Tacos Cortes - 1110 Dayton Rd.

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Burger King - Burger Hut - 933 Nord Avenue 2451 Forest Ave.
Starbucks - Moxie’s Cafà & Gallery - 128 Broadway
Pita Pit - Sultan’s Bistro - 300 Broadway
Cold Stone Creamery - Shubert’s Ice Cream & Candy - 178 E. Seventh St.
IHOP - Golden Waffle - 701 Main St.
Denny’s - Jack’s Family Restaurant - 540 Main St.
Krispy Kreme - Helen’s Donut Nook - 807 Main St.
Pizza Hut - Celestino’s Live from New York Pizza - 101 Salem St.

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Durable goods
The Gap - Lulu’s Fashion Lounge - 212 Main St.
Les Schwab - Commercial Tire Warehouse - 744 Orange St.
OSH - Collier Hardware - 105 Broadway
Sleep Train Mattress Center - Square Deal Mattress Factory - 1354 Humboldt Ave.
Toys R Us - Bird in Hand - 320 Broadway
Wal-Mart - Any locally owned business
Barnes & Noble - Lyon Books & Learning Center - 121 W. Fifth St.
Blockbuster - Paradise Lost Video - 544 Broadway
Tinseltown - Pageant Theater - 351 E. Sixth St.