TFLN: Txts Frm Lst Nght

Distill the Internet into a single site and you wind up at Txts Frm Lst Nght. Crude and sexual, the site shows our society’s true face. The concept is simple: An intoxicated friend texts you something embarrassing at 4 in the morning, you post the text to the Web site, the world laughs at his or her failure, and you go back to sleep happy. Scrolling through the shame of others, it’s hard not to glimpse yourself in their low points. Rock bottom may not look the same as you remember it, no one may have scolded you by saying “just because you dressed up as a brontosaurus doesn’t mean you can poop in my front yard and roar at the neighbors,” but we’ve all had to apologize the next morning for something. Alcohol isn’t the only instigator; pot plays a large part in many texts: “What if cement was really a rainbow color and they just secretly paint it grey so as not to distract drivers.” Acts of kindness and happiness (not relating to sexual conquests) are rare, sporadic enough only to provide bits of hope against the pooping dinosaurs of our lives.