Summer is for families
Welcome to the CN&R’s first Family Issue

Summer is a wonderful time for families—the kids are out of school, the weather is perfect for camping or going to the beach, lovers are getting married and starting new families, extended families are coming together for big reunions, you name it.
It’s also a good time for a special issue about families. As we at the CN&R were enjoying the summer months with our families, we got to thinking that it would be fun to do a special issue devoted to stories about today’s families and the issues they face.
As you’ll see, the stories we’ve come up with cover a range of topics, from finding child care to the challenges same-sex parents confront, from smart-phone apps for new parents to the question of which is more effective, attachment parenting or tiger parenting.
This is the first of what we hope will be an annual special issue, similar to our annual Bike Issue. Please let us know what you think of it.