Students with healthy weight

Figures also reveal how many are overweight

We hear a lot these days about how too many Americans, and especially American children, are overweight. But what are the specifics? What percentage of school kids need to lose weight? One way to answer that is to look at the percentage of public-school students who are underweight or at a healthy weight. Here are the figures for California as a whole and Butte County, by race and ethnicity.

Group California Butte County
African-American/black 68.1% 67.2%
Asian-American 79.6% 65.4%
Caucasian/white 77.5% 74.1%
Hispanic/Latino 61.5% 64.9%
Native American 63.5% 63.3%

Source:, a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health