Stomp the Yard

Rated 2.0

Stomp The Yard I’ve always found the whole “stepping” thing to be sort of goofy (although, to be fair, I also think any form of dancing to be a waste of energy), so your mileage may vary when I say that this was a pretty tedious hour-and-change that seemed much longer. Essentially a collection of clichés padded by dance moves that culminate in a feature-length music video, this film has a slender thread of narrative about a troubled youth sentenced to attend the “historically black” Truth University, where he falls into a fierce fraternal rivalry over who has the better dance moves. Between soap-opera-level acting and scenarios, dancing breaks out. I suppose points could be awarded for earnestness, but earnestness rarely delivers with the entertainment, so there you go. If you want to sit in a theater and watch people stomp the yard, then this movie at least supplies that much. Feather River Cinemas and Tinseltown