Steady sleepers
The importance of regular rest

You’re surely aware that adults are advised to get eight hours of sleep each night (school-age kids should get 10-11, teens about 9-10), but a recent study has shown the importance of regular sleeping patterns as we get older. Published in Scientific Reports, findings show an association between irregular sleep and health. Data show that poor sleep interferes with the body’s metabolism, which can lead to weight gain. Our bodies crave consistency and function best under a regular routine. If you have irregular sleep patterns, the circadian rhythm—your 24-hour internal clock—is disrupted, causing drowsiness, distracted behavior, upset digestive patterns and interference with the body’s timed release of hormones. A regular sleep schedule may be difficult to maintain in the modern world, but try experimenting with sleep cycles to find out what works best for you.
Sources: Scientific Reports and WebMD