State of disrepair
A rundown of Chico’s public artworks that most need attention

The John Muir Luminary Art Bench, which sits outside Christian Michaels Ristorante on Wall Street, could be beyond help.
Photo by Meredith J. Cooper
Earlier this year, the Chico Arts & Culture Foundation visited most of the city’s public art pieces to update inventory and determine their current status. The majority of the works were listed in “routine” condition. But several fell into the “urgent” or “serious” categories.
If you ask Arts Commission Chair Todd Hall, he’ll say The Silver Plow—a controversial (at the time of its installation) art piece on South Park Avenue—should be dismantled. “It was the wrong material from the beginning,” he said. The John Muir Luminary Bench on Wall Street downtown faces similar demise. Large chunks of the border have fallen off, leaving the concrete underneath exposed. “If we can’t repair it properly, we might just de-assess it,” said Mary Gardner of the Arts & Culture Foundation. Below are the pieces of public art that are most in need of some TLC, with the first three labeled as “urgent” and the rest “serious.” (Source: A&C Foundation report.)
Diamond Alley Arches, Salem Street parking structure
Repair concrete cornice, replace tiles, regrout where needed to alleviate concern regarding further water damage
The Silver Plow, Park Avenue and Meyers Street
Consult with stone expert on best course of action
John Muir Luminary Bench, Wall Street by Christian Michaels
Redwood texture side tiles are broken, leaving cement exposed. If repair not possible, removal or replacement recommended
The Century of Flight, Chico Municipal Airport
Clean surfaces, replace missing tiles, repair cracks
Annie’s Glen Tunnel, Annie’s Glen
Replace cracked and missing tiles, remove graffiti and stickers
Chess Tables, City Plaza
Replace mosaic tiles on one of the six tables
Franz Cilensek Santa Claus Luminary Art Bench, West Second Street, between Main and Broadway
Replace broken tiles
Jackson Pollock Luminary Art Bench, West Second Street near El Rey Theatre
Repair tiles
Raymond Carver Luminary Art Bench, corner of Third and Broadway
Strip and reseal, add additional skate guards
Susan B. Anthony Luminary Art Bench, East Seventh Street, between Broadway and Main
Restain, re-adhere letter, additional skate guards
Bicycle Barricades, Eaton and Cohassett roads
Replace eight missing or loose pieces
Mechoopda Baskets, 2446 Marigold Ave.
Replace chipped and missing tiles, repair cracked stucco, needs attention to prevent worsening