Spring Breakers

The spectacle of beer-sloshed, drug-fueled, semi-naked revelry is here for all to see, but just who this film aims to please becomes a matter of some confusion, which seems deliberate on the part of writer-director Harmony Korine. The unabashedly lurid tale follows four naively rebellious college-age girls as they “go wild” on spring break in Florida and finance the trip via a restaurant hold-up. Once in Florida they become entangled with an unctuously lubricious gangster/rapper (James Franco). Right from the start, Korine is dealing in clichés but churning them out with an exuberance that is at times almost rhapsodic. All in all, his film has an amusing satirical snap to it, and there’s a nifty brio to the cinematography, editing and sound design. Cinemark 14. Rated R.