Sounds like Chico
CN&R’s annual look at the local music scene

When the CN&R shines a spotlight on the Chico music scene, the focus is normally on those who create the music—the players who perform and record and make up such a vibrant performing arts community. But if someone were to ask a local to define the scene, there’s a good chance that the conversation would start with directing them to one of the many venues that regularly hosts local and visiting bands. And no local venue has greater name recognition than the Big Room at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.; like the beer that built the room, it’s one of the things Chico is known for—here and beyond. For this year’s Local Music Issue, we celebrate Bob Littell, the retiring manager (and local musician in his own right) who put the Big Room on the map, and introduce Mahinga Gannet, the woman who was recently hired to carry on the venue’s legacy.
Of course, we highlight more local musicians as well, with a feature on synth-pop rockers Solar Estates; an interview with Jeff Coleman, frontman of Sons of Jefferson and Taste Like Crow; and a roundup of five new bands that should be on your radar.
Rock on!