Thin is out?

For the last 20 years the NPD Group has surveyed American’s eating patterns, and one question in particular tries to get to the bottom of how we view our overweight countrymen: “People who are not overweight are more attractive”—yes, or no? The results from the latest survey show that since 1985 (when 55 percent thought that thin was best) increasingly more Americans believe that those who are overweight aren’t necessarily less desirable—at ratio of 3-to-1. Does this mean we’re broadening our horizons, so to speak, or is the growing acceptance a matter of having more examples of ever-widening neighbors to influence us?
“People who are not overweight are more attractive.”
Survey year — % of Americans who agree w/statement
1985 55
1986 51.2
1987 45.5
1988 42.6
1989 41.9
1990 39.5
1991 36.6
1992 35.3
1993 32.5
1994 31.5
1995 27.9
1996 27.6
1997 27.8
1998 25.8
1999 25.5
2000 24.3
2001 26.2
2002 25.5
2003 24.5
2004 25
2005 24.1