
All work and no play

What it cost local agencies (and taxpayers) to take the air out of the Labor Day 2005, as reported by the Butte County Fire Department.

Agency wages total costs # personnel (or hours)

Butte Co. Sheriffs $7,941 $8,541 41

Glenn Co. Sheriffs $5,171 $5,271.33 16

Butte Co, Fire Dept. $4,962 $5,666 10

CHP $43,936 $49,879 693 hours

Chico Police $27,180 $42,680 679 hours

State Parks Dept. $2,000 $2,000 23

U.S. F&W unk. unk. unk.

Cal-Trans $1,880 $1,880 0

Totals $93,070 $115,917.33