Fed up

Contempt for President George W. Bush’s lack of sound leadership no longer belongs solely to those left of center. Now, as average Americans lose faith in the economy and the war in Iraq, and wonder how a president can spend so much time on vacation, Middle America lurches out of its unquestioning compliance to fight back. That’s according to the latest public opinion polls gauging Bush’s approval ratings. We also noted retail gas prices.
Event Date of Gallup Poll Approve Disapprove Undecided U.S. Retail gas price
Hurricane Rita Sept. 16-18, 2005 40% 58% 2% $2.79
Hurricane Katrina Sept. 8-11, 2005 46% 51% 3% $2.95
2004 Election Nov. 7-Oct. 4, 2004 53% 44% 3% $1.98
Iraq Invasion March 22-23, 2003 71% 25% 4% $1.70
Sept. 11 attacks Sept. 14-15, 2001 86% 10% 4% $1.66