Methed up

Law enforcement agencies in Butte County have banded together as the Meth Strike Force to create a Web site,, exposing the horrors of methamphetamine abuse and highlighting its costs to the region (27 percent of Butte County jail bookings in 2004 were meth-related). Besides the toll the drug takes on users and their children, meth’s effect reaches potentially further when it is manufactured in a residence. Cleaning up after a lab takes a special hazardous-materials team. The chemicals can stick around long after the drug bust, and landlords who turn a blind eye to drug traffic open themselves up to lawsuits and loan foreclosure. Here, straight from the site, are the “meth houses” in Chico dating back to 1999. Not all were designated as “labs.” In all of Butte County, 39 meth labs were seized in 2004 alone.
Date address designation
Feb. 26, 1999 5389 Anita Road meth lab
March 15, 1999 1935 Arcadian #5 meth lab
March 28, 1999 789 Colorado Apt. C meth lab
July 15, 1999 3812 Keefer Road meth lab
Aug. 5, 1999 1934 Esplanade #20 meth lab
Sept. 24, 1999 3542 Via Medio meth lab
Jan. 19, 2000 1930 Arcadian Ave. Apt. D meth lab
March 11, 2000 2440 Guynn Ave. meth lab
April 16, 2000 2002 Huntington Dr. #67 meth lab
June 14, 2000 589 E. 18th St. meth lab
July 12, 2000 Raley’s (construction site) meth lab
Oct. 10, 2000 894 Wisconsin St. meth lab
June 2, 2001 Conners Ave. 200 block meth lab
June 11, 2001 555 Vallombrosa #55 meth lab
June 14, 2001 1005 Normal Apt. B meth lab
Dec. 12, 2001 2837 Esplanade #3 meth lab
Dec. 13, 2001 3071 Helena Way meth lab
Jan. 15, 2002 820 W. 4th St. meth lab
March 10, 2002 578 Rocking H Circle meth lab
Sept. 9, 2002 1155 Magnolia Ave. Apt. B —-
Feb. 18, 2003 E. Lassen Avenue/Joshua Tree —-
June 13, 2003 13651 Anderson Brothers Drive, Space W-5 —-
Oct. 23, 2003 1115 W. Sacramento Ave. —-
Dec. 19, 2003 827 Alder St. —-
March 20, 2004 Esplanade/Tonea Way meth lab
July 14, 2004 853 E. 7th St. —-
Aug. 4, 2004 453 Posada Way #12 meth lab
March 18, 2005 1053 E. 8th St. meth lab